Who knows what the future brings...

Friday, December 28, 2007
I Resolve...
Byron says that the number 8 symbolizes new beginnings. 2008 is almost here. What will you resolve to begin? What things will you make sure to stop in the new year?
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Which One?
Not many people know this, but my sister Lisa were back up singers for a girl who sang old-fashioned salsa songs to Madonna. We wore matching pink outfits and even had our share of groupies. LOL It was some experience. It makes me think about how much I would have really loved to have done that for the real Madonna. Another person I would love to perform with is Prince. How about you? What person or band would you love to be a part of?
Monday, December 10, 2007
Boyfriend/Girlfriend House
My aunt, who lives in New York, has been dating a man for around 15 years. Neither wants to get married. She used to live in Manhattan on the fifth floor, and it had no elevator. As she has aged, it became harder to climb those stairs everyday. So, about 5 years ago, they moved in together. But, it wasn't just a regular house. It's a boyfriend/girlfriend house. They have their own bedrooms, sleep separately, and meet up in the middle. They each say they like their privacy.
So, what do you think? Boyfriend/girlfriend house: yay, or nay? Why?
So, what do you think? Boyfriend/girlfriend house: yay, or nay? Why?
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Well, isn't that special?
One year, I received what I would call the most unusual Christmas gift. The person who gave it to me, presented it with much excitement and enthusiasm. It was very nicely wrapped in colorful paper and a huge bow. I opened it up to find, three padded hangers. I was surprised to say the least. I don't understand the thinking behind such a gift, but for some reason, I still have these hangers in my closet today.
What is an usual gift you have received?
What is an usual gift you have received?
Monday, December 03, 2007
What's your favorite
It's Christmas time folks! Time for tree lots and malls. Time for wraping paper and bows. But it's also that time when we listen to and sing Christmas Carols. I love Christmas but more than that, I LOOOVVVEE Christmas Carols. I guess its because you only get to listen to and sing them once a year. I mean you could burst into silent night in the middle of August but people will look at you funny. what's your all time favorite Christmas Carol? One year I really listened to the words of "little drummer boy" and I fell in love with that one, although "O Holy NIght" runs a really close second. What's yours? Why?
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Word Up Pilgrim
What person made the biggest difference in your life this year? Say thank you here. Give a shout out to that person for all they did for you.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Um, Um, Good!
Sure, Thanksgiving is all about being thankful. I KNOW I am. But, we have to admit, it's about really good food too. You have the traditional Thanksgiving dinner of turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing, but each of us has our own twist on the traditional, right? In my family, we mash rutabega along with the potatoes. We have also added rice and black beans to the menu. Each person in the family has their own personal favorite. One of my favorites is, believe it or not, cranberry sauce. It must have the little can lines though. ;)
What is your favorite dish for Thanksgiving?
What is your favorite dish for Thanksgiving?
Saturday, November 03, 2007
What should you be when you grow up?
Yes, we're all grown-ups, but it's not all over yet. Maybe you should be doing something else. :) This test is ONE question long. Here's what it said about me:
You should be an artist. Incredibly creative, spontaneous, and unique. No one can guess what you're going to do next, but it's usually something amazing. You can't deal with routine, rules, or structure. You're easily bored. As long as you are able to innovate and break the rules, you are extremely successful. You do best when you:
- Can work by yourself
- Can express your personality in your work
You would also be a good journalist or actor.
You should be an artist. Incredibly creative, spontaneous, and unique. No one can guess what you're going to do next, but it's usually something amazing. You can't deal with routine, rules, or structure. You're easily bored. As long as you are able to innovate and break the rules, you are extremely successful. You do best when you:
- Can work by yourself
- Can express your personality in your work
You would also be a good journalist or actor.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Hated It!
I loved band. I loved making music. I loved the friends I made there. I even loved all of the practices. But there was one thing I hated having to do in the band-sewing the teeny, tiny hems on the cut off fingers of my gloves. It was horrible!
What is the one thing you hated about band?
What is the one thing you hated about band?
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
What is...
the most exotic place you have ever visited?
the strangest food you've ever eaten?
the most famous person you've ever met?
the strangest food you've ever eaten?
the most famous person you've ever met?
Friday, October 12, 2007
Mundane in the Membrane
Have you ever had a lot to do at work, but it was so mundane, that you were bored to tears, and it caused you to not want to do any of it? What do you do when that happens? Do you just sit there, bored, and do it all? Or, do you find some kind of distraction?
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Top 3
I remember certain band songs for different reasons. Eres Tu always comes to mind. It wasn't one of my favorites, but it was one of the first ones I played as a part of the HML band. Then, there's Africa by Toto (say that in Spanish. LOL) This song was pretty challenging for a marching band song. And, one of the most memorable for me was Conga by Gloria Estefan. I fondly remember playing that song at the Opa locka Parade. What fun!
What are your top 3 band songs and why?
What are your top 3 band songs and why?
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Love Thy Neighbor
Growing up, I think I had the strangest neighbors ever! There was Ester and Alan. She spoke only Spanish and he only knew English; they constantly yelled at each other in their native tongues. There was Coozie who believed that it was good luck to have her house egged. She said the birds were blessing her. Of course, I can't forget the ones we called the twins. They were twin sisters who each had a daughter, about 100 cats, and shared everything, including the same man.
What crazy neighbors did/do you have?
What crazy neighbors did/do you have?
Friday, September 14, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Your memories of September 11th
Where were you when you heard the news about the bombings on September 11th, 6 years ago today?
What do you remember of those days afterwards, your thoughts and fears for our country.
What do you remember of those days afterwards, your thoughts and fears for our country.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Cathy's Birthday Bash
I'm sure everyone has received the email from Cathy, but for those of us who forget to print things, here is the information in one centralized location.
When: September, 15 @ 9 pm
Where: The Wherehouse 2016
2016 NE 155th St.
North Miami Beach, FL
See you there!
When: September, 15 @ 9 pm
Where: The Wherehouse 2016
2016 NE 155th St.
North Miami Beach, FL
See you there!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Drive me Crazy
One of the teenagers here had the craziest first driving experience I've ever heard. The first day she drove solo, the car broke down right in the middle of Dixie Highway. So, what does a girl do if her car breaks down? Call her dad. Her dad nervously said, "I'll be right there. Don't get out of the car. That street is dangerous." All of a sudden, she hears all of these sirens going off behind her. You see, her dad is a firefighter and he was on duty. He pulls up behind her in the fire truck, you know, the one with the big ladder, and come to her rescue. Needless to say, she says it was one of the most embarassing days ever.
How was your first driving experience?
How was your first driving experience?
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Say It Isn't So
Sweet, innocent El Debarge was arrested yesterday for assaulting his girlfriend. The singer led the family band, Debarge in the '80's which sang syrup-y sweet songs like "Time Will Reveal" and "I Like It." The singer was being held without bail because he had two previous warrants for his arrest in narcotics cases. And, if that wasn't bad enough, three of his brothers - Chico, Robert and Thomas - have served jail time on cocaine-related convictions.
Any advice for a family in trouble? :)
Any advice for a family in trouble? :)
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Labor Day
Labor Day was created to give a day off to the working man. In honor of that, tell us some of the crazy jobs or things you've had to do at jobs that you've really needed a day off from.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Where'd I hear that?
Here's another good one from Joe.
So what line from a movie do you use in everyday life? For instance, some of my favorites are: from SCARFACE, "Chi Chi get the Yay-yo,"(think i spelled that right) and "Ok, I reloaded!" From JAWS, when Roy's character turned to the captain and say's "We're going to need a bigger boat!" Love that scene!
Sooo, how about you guys?
So what line from a movie do you use in everyday life? For instance, some of my favorites are: from SCARFACE, "Chi Chi get the Yay-yo,"(think i spelled that right) and "Ok, I reloaded!" From JAWS, when Roy's character turned to the captain and say's "We're going to need a bigger boat!" Love that scene!
Sooo, how about you guys?
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Too Much
Back in 1982, our neighbor bought this new invention that we were crazy about, a VCR. We saw the movie Valley Girl every Saturday for months. What's not to love? It had Nicolas Cage with chest hair shaved into a V, teenagers going to parties, great music, and of course, Valley-speak. Because of this little obsession, we could recite the words to the entire movie. To this day, I sometimes say random quotes from the movie at inappropriate times. (Sta-ceeee, come here my little pickle.)
What Movie Do You Know Every Line To?
What Movie Do You Know Every Line To?
Can I Ask You A Question?
What Do You Say Most When You’re Trying Not To Swear?
What Time Is Your Alarm Clock Set To?
Has Anyone Told You A Secret This Week?
Do You Have A Trampoline In Your Back Yard?
Do you own any band t-shirts?
When Was The Last Time You Slept On The Floor?
What Time Is Your Alarm Clock Set To?
Has Anyone Told You A Secret This Week?
Do You Have A Trampoline In Your Back Yard?
Do you own any band t-shirts?
When Was The Last Time You Slept On The Floor?
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Jeff's B-Day
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
What do you think?
I just got home from serving jury duty. Believe it or not, I actually enjoyed my experience. I met some cool, and surprisingly intelligent people. The people involved with the case were a different story, however. This must have been the dumbest group of men I've ever seen. There were 3 old guys (55-71) who sit under a coconut tree all day, get drunk, and get very loud. To make a long story short, the drunk guy called a guy with a toothache a gorilla and it all ended with a threat with a boxcutter. I personally think someone should have smacked them both in the head and made them apologize. Stupid behavior from grown men who should know better. What's wrong with people?
Question: Do people ever mature or do they just grow older?
Question: Do people ever mature or do they just grow older?
Saturday, August 11, 2007
What decade do you belong in?
Well, it definitely had me pegged. Try it out and let us know your decade.
You Belong in 1981 |
Wild, over the top, and just a little bit cheesy. You're colorful at night - and successful during the day. |
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Joe's World
This one is from Joe. Very creative. I'm impressed!
Have you ever said something, or heard someone say something, during the course of a regular day that made you think " that sounds like something you would hear in a porn movie." For instance, while at work the other day i found myself saying "thats a tight crack,it's going to take a while to get good penatration." Now THAT is something you might hear in a porno. to explain, i inspect aircraft engine parts for cracks and defects.
Sooo, let's hear what you've heard or said, then explain the comment. HAVE FUN!
Have you ever said something, or heard someone say something, during the course of a regular day that made you think " that sounds like something you would hear in a porn movie." For instance, while at work the other day i found myself saying "thats a tight crack,it's going to take a while to get good penatration." Now THAT is something you might hear in a porno. to explain, i inspect aircraft engine parts for cracks and defects.
Sooo, let's hear what you've heard or said, then explain the comment. HAVE FUN!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Banana Splits
Saturday mornings were always magical to me. Even though we were allowed to sleep a little later, I never did. There was one reason for that: cartoons. We only had cartoons very early in the morning before school or Saturday mornings. Today, cartoons and other kids' shows are on 24 hours a day. Recently, on one of these 24 hour cartoon channels, I saw an episode of Banana Splits. It was hilarious. I used to love that show.
What Saturday morning cartoons did you really enjoy?
What Saturday morning cartoons did you really enjoy?
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Mama Used to Say
Sometimes, late at night, I would go downstairs, and find my mom drinking out of the juice carton. It shocked me every time. She would always tell me, "Do as I say, not as I do," and leave it at that. I hated when she told me that. I always swore I would never tell my kids that when I had them.
What did your parents tell you, that you hated hearing? Have you ever repeated those words to your kids?
What did your parents tell you, that you hated hearing? Have you ever repeated those words to your kids?
Thursday, July 26, 2007
By Surprise
Byron and I recently went to a friend's house down south. We were there for a few hours, and neither of us had anything to eat. So when it was time to go, we were starving. I knew exactly what I wanted to eat, but was a little embarrassed to tell By. I had been to this friend's house quite a few times recently, and it was usually when I was in a hurry. So, if I wanted to eat, it had to be in my car. There is this BP (has NOTHING to do with Joe.) gas station right next to the entrance of the turnpike with the most delicious pre-packaged turkey and cheddar sandwiches. I actually look forward to eating them. When I told Byron, he of course, thought I was crazy. But, I forced him to try one. :) We had the best time laughing in the car at what had become of our gourmet palates.
What have you enjoyed recently that you never thought you would?
What have you enjoyed recently that you never thought you would?
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Teen Idol
Have any of you seen, "Scott Baio is 45 and Single?" Chachi was my first actor-crush. I remember buying every Tiger Beat out there just for the posters of him. Who was your teen idol?
Friday, July 20, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
What was that all about?
Checkerboard shoes, neon sunglasses, guys with extremely tight jeans-just some of the fashions we wore in the 80's. What did you used to wear, that today you think is totally ridiculous?
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Jeff's Birthday Surprise
Last Saturday, Jeff came down with the kids. Gina arranged an incredible night at Dave and Busters. We had a great group. Kris joined us for the first time with Nestor and their children. But, the biggest surprise had to be Eric and Janet who flew in from Texas the night before! What a great night. Here's to the next one.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Let's tell a story
I got this Idea from Cookie and her sisters. We were at a Denny's and passed around a napkin. each of us had to write one word. After it went around twice it was read. I'm thinking it might be interesting do this with sentences. So lets write a story. The rules are NO RULES. Feel free to write as little or as much as you like. Shall I begin?
It was a day like any other day. . .
It was a day like any other day. . .
Wesly speaks
hey guys Wesly told me to forward this info to all of you so here it is. He can be contacted by:
email jbaby102565@yahoo.com or his cell: 945-638-8392. He'd be happy to hear from you all.
email jbaby102565@yahoo.com or his cell: 945-638-8392. He'd be happy to hear from you all.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Chaperoning 101
On Monday, I leave to Daytona for a week to be a chaperone at a youth camp. Think back to our long bus rides, spring trips, and competitions. Remember all of the mischievous things we used to do. What would you have me watch out for? What advice would you give?
Friday, July 06, 2007
One morning I heard this ruckus in my yard. I opened the door to find these kids trying to knock mangoes from my tree. They had come into the yard and taken my yard broom and was throwing it up into the tree. At first I was really pissed. Then I called them over and asked how they came to be in my yard with my broom taking my mangoes from my tree. two of them ran but one kid and his sister or little girl friend stayed and apologized. I told them they need only knock and the door and ask and I would knock them down myself for them which I proceeded to do.
As I walked back to the house I was thinking to myself " these f'ing kids" then I thought back to when I was their age and it caused me to ask the question: Did I do stuff like that when I was a kid? which leads to my question for the gallery
Have you ever caught yourself scolding a kid for some of the same things you did when you were their age. Be honest.
As I walked back to the house I was thinking to myself " these f'ing kids" then I thought back to when I was their age and it caused me to ask the question: Did I do stuff like that when I was a kid? which leads to my question for the gallery
Have you ever caught yourself scolding a kid for some of the same things you did when you were their age. Be honest.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Hot Head
I have "a list." It's not a good one. The list is for people who have disrespected me, in some blatant way, three times. Yes, you read that right. I count. Once that happens, and you get put on the list, it takes a whole lot to get off. On the list, I forget you exist. Your calls and emails won't be answered. I "forget" to show up for your special events. It's petty. I know.
How do you have a temper tantrum?
How do you have a temper tantrum?
Monday, July 02, 2007
Recently, Alex and I were talking about our trip to Tampa for Robin's birthday. I asked him what his favorite part was. He said, "Playing ping pong until 2:30 in the morning, dancing, singing, and swimming in the pool." I said, "Yeah, like kids again." Then, he said something very profound (of course, it's Alex!). He said that we get old because we forget to play. He's right.
What have you forgotten to do since you were in high school? Or, what will you decide to do now so that you won't get old?
What have you forgotten to do since you were in high school? Or, what will you decide to do now so that you won't get old?
Saturday, June 30, 2007
One More for the Group!
I got a call from Byron today, and he said, "I found one more," and passed the phone to someone else. The other person was Wesley! He sounds great and is looking to get together soon. He said, "Man, this is like school, only you head straight for the band room. Just like we always wanted to do."
What do you remember the most about Wesley?
What do you remember the most about Wesley?
Thursday, June 28, 2007
It Must Be Summer
There's one song that always reminds me of summer. It's "She's Fresh," by Kool and the Gang. This song represents the summer of '85. My friend, Marisol blasted it in her car everytime we went to the beach. We went fully stocked with our little cooler that held a six pack of wine coolers! Funny, huh?
What song always reminds you of summer?
What song always reminds you of summer?
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
When I was a teacher, I had a student named, Usnavy, pronounced, oos nah vee, in Spanish. It took me a whole year to realize that his name stood for U S Navy! The other day, I read an article about a judge in New Zealand who did not approve the name, 4Real on a child's birth certificate. He said it was unfair to the child. What do you think?
Monday, June 18, 2007
Father's Day
First of all, wishing all the "dads" out there a Belated Happy Fathers Day.
While I was spending yesterday with my dad, going over old memories of the past, I got to thinking about my friends dads that I was around growing up (especially the "band Dad's")
What do you remember about some of the bandies dad's???
Here are a few of mine:
I remember Eric Popeil's dad sitting between two very tall speakers blaring Jimi Hendrix out by the pool
Audrey Cruz's dad (who I saw yesterday) usually had a smile on his face no matter what ridiculous thing we were up to or how weirdly we were dressed
and let's just face it, Mr Kampert scared me to death
While I was spending yesterday with my dad, going over old memories of the past, I got to thinking about my friends dads that I was around growing up (especially the "band Dad's")
What do you remember about some of the bandies dad's???
Here are a few of mine:
I remember Eric Popeil's dad sitting between two very tall speakers blaring Jimi Hendrix out by the pool
Audrey Cruz's dad (who I saw yesterday) usually had a smile on his face no matter what ridiculous thing we were up to or how weirdly we were dressed
and let's just face it, Mr Kampert scared me to death
Friday, June 15, 2007
Anyone remember Phillipa Leslie Huertas
Class of '88?
Found her on a myspace bulletin board http://www.myspace.com/potrafilly then she hit the www.hmlbandalumni.com guestbook and sends 'hello'.
Left a comment she remembers the "infamous Peter Gonzalez--he was much admired by the seniors in class of 86!" --- Disgusting!!! Just Disgusting!!! Is there not one person on this planet that doesn't remember Peter!!!
Found her on a myspace bulletin board http://www.myspace.com/potrafilly then she hit the www.hmlbandalumni.com guestbook and sends 'hello'.
Left a comment she remembers the "infamous Peter Gonzalez--he was much admired by the seniors in class of 86!" --- Disgusting!!! Just Disgusting!!! Is there not one person on this planet that doesn't remember Peter!!!
Friday, June 08, 2007
You've Got the Look
The 80's were a memorable time for a lot of reasons. One of those was the fashion. Who in our group really had the 80's look down pat? What about the look do you remember most?
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Who Can It Be Now?
it's been awhile since we've played a game. Here's a new one:
Start with something you know one of us has done or said or was known for. We guess. Whoever guesses comes up with the next little known fact about a different person. I'll start.
This person was known as Bubbles.
Start with something you know one of us has done or said or was known for. We guess. Whoever guesses comes up with the next little known fact about a different person. I'll start.
This person was known as Bubbles.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
What is your latest food addiction? Or, what have you experimented with in the kitchen lately? Are there any guys out there who cook, and cook well?
Monday, May 28, 2007
Memorial Day
Today is a day that the nation mourns those who fought and died defending freedom. Without those that serve of their own free will... freedom is not free. Remember All gave some... some gave all.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Big Dreams
What is the one accomplishment you have always dreamed of doing but just never have. Do you think you will ever rise to your own challenge?
Thursday, May 24, 2007
I've Got Nothing!
Ok, guys. I have temporarily run out of blog topics to post. I need your help. Please leave me some here to write about. Don't worry about how strange they sound. I'll find a way.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot!
Someone once told me that the rain puts them in the mood. Interesting, huh? What makes you "trumpet-y?"
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Worst Lyrics Ever
One of my favorite lyrics was just voted as one of the worst on AOL. It is, "I love you like a fat kid loves cake." How could that be the worst? What would be your top choice?
Friday, May 11, 2007
what's your favorite
there's a whole wall of books in my living room. As I was passing it one day it hit me that I haven't read any books lately. As I thought back, I remembered the first book I ever read. It was S.E. Hinton's "that was then this is now." I was amazed. Just a few chapters and I was hooked. The experience led me to read many many more books including the Lord of the rings Trilogy and Prequel, everything Stephen King, and my favorite. Shogun, well, next to the Bible anyway. I must have read that one 30 times, Shogun that is . Anyway, what was your favorite book? What was the last book you read?
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me.
It's my 39th birthday. Yes, this is awkward, that I'm posting this. Just forget about that, and come to the party.
Saturday, May 12, 2007 at 6:30 pm
@ The Big Tomato
8300 Pines Blvd
Pembroke Pines, FL
Possibly next door to Club Iguanas after.
Please contact Cathy by Friday morning or just comment right here.
Saturday, May 12, 2007 at 6:30 pm
@ The Big Tomato
8300 Pines Blvd
Pembroke Pines, FL
Possibly next door to Club Iguanas after.
Please contact Cathy by Friday morning or just comment right here.
Birthday Shout Outs for the Month of May!
Hey everyone. Some really cool people are having their birthdays this month. I thought this would be a great way for us to celebrate with them....
They are:
Love, Joy, and Happiness to you all!
They are:
Love, Joy, and Happiness to you all!
New Pics.
Someone called the office the other day to say how embarassed they were because their son was caught texting answers to someone in class for a test. That brought us to how we used to cheat when we were in school. One guy bragged about how bold he was when he cheated. There was no hiding a tiny, little cheat sheat in a desk, or writing the answers on the bottom of his shoe. He would actually get up, walk over to the smartest girl in class's desk and take her test and copy directly from it. This lasted a whole year. He ended up marrying the girl.
What was your preferred method for cheating on tests? Did you ever get caught?
What was your preferred method for cheating on tests? Did you ever get caught?
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Do You Remember...
This will take us back. All you have to do is name a place that you enjoyed back in the day. (Now, that sounds old, doesn't it?) I'll start. Do you remember the water park near Westland Mall? What was the name of it?
Monday, May 07, 2007
You know your getting old when...
This past weekend served as a reminder that I am not getting any younger...
My daughter turns 16 tomorrow...
She went to the Prom saturday night...
We just ordered her class ring today... class of 09.
Oh yeah, I am retiring Nov 1st. But you all knew that. I actually go on terminal leave in a couple months. Time is flying by. What else makes ya feel old?
My daughter turns 16 tomorrow...
She went to the Prom saturday night...
We just ordered her class ring today... class of 09.
Oh yeah, I am retiring Nov 1st. But you all knew that. I actually go on terminal leave in a couple months. Time is flying by. What else makes ya feel old?
Saturday, May 05, 2007
What do you think?
Recently, I heard that every park in Miami Lakes was going to have internet access. At first, I thought, what the heck do you need to go on your computer for while you're at the park? Then, last night, while I was on the field at 3:00 a.m., I went online, and found it very entertaining. Today, I am actually posting this, while I'm waiting for my son's baseball game to start at Pembroke Lakes Optimist Park. So, I guess they have the same program here. Although I find it convenient, it still makes me wonder. Why the heck do you need internet access while you're in a park? Is this the best use of our tax dollars?
Friday, May 04, 2007
Sick Day
I rarely get sick. In fact, I haven't been sick in about 10 years. But, today i woke up, and I feel awful. I am a walking Nyquil commerical: sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, need to get some sleep. Yes, I'm at work, and to make it worse, I have to pull an all-nighter at Relay for Life in Miami Lakes. It's going to be a long one.
When I get sick, I only want to eat two things, chicken soup with a pear nectar (Libby's in a can, of course). What do you eat when you are sick?
When I get sick, I only want to eat two things, chicken soup with a pear nectar (Libby's in a can, of course). What do you eat when you are sick?
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Alex wanted to see if the gang would like to see Meatloaf in concert. The only available show is Tuesday 8-28-07. The show is in Orlando at the Hard Rock Cafe. Tickets range from $45-$75. Tickets go on sale 10:00 am this Saturday morning, 5-5-07. You may check ticketmaster for additional venues and other information.
Please comment here, if you are interested in buying tickets, and someone will get back to you.
Please comment here, if you are interested in buying tickets, and someone will get back to you.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
what does it meeeaaannn
I remember when we were in school I hugged a lot. Not just girls but guys too. I was a hugger. I still am. It was and remains, for me, just a hug. But it occurred to me that, to other people, women that is, there seems to be no such thing as " just" a hug. It meeaaannns something. Why? Ladies help me out here. Doesn't anyone hug just to hug anymore. If you hug one person does that mean they have exclusive rights said hugs. Or, does it mean that you're in love with a person just because you embrace them. Mind you I'm talking about "single" women. I know there are some lines you just don't cross. With that said however, Its just a hug. Am I wrong? Thoughts please?
May Day
Does anyone remember what we used to do on May Day? At North Twin Lakes, the elementary school I went to, we always had a May Day celebration. There we had to perform all kinds of dances, which we practiced during P.E. The two I remember the most were the square dancing and of course the May Pole. How about you? Do you remember how to do-see-do?
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Bandees Need Band Aid
If emails and texts are any indication, a lot of us are going through some crazy stuff right now, really crazy. Do you remember Shleprock? He was in the Flintstones, had a black cloud over his head, and said, "Wow-si, wow-si, woo, woo." His problems were so bad they were funny. They say laughter is the best medicine; so, here's your chance. Make us laugh with your sob story.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Pet Peeves
I have quite a few pet peeves. They are each pretty odd. One of them is that I hate to buy ice. What a rip off! At work, we used to have a youth group meet in this building that had an ice machine. Then, recently, we moved to a bigger location, but no ice machine. I never realized my aversion to buying ice until then. And, now, every week, it makes me crazy! The kids think I'm crazy, of course.
What are your pet peeves?
What are your pet peeves?
Monday, April 23, 2007
The other day, a friend of mine mentioned that he used to work for Vic Tanny's. Of course, that made me think of that Hialeah 80's icon, The Sports Room. Anyone remember either place? I never went to Vic Tanny's, but heard about it often. But, the Sports Room? Oh yeah. It was a gym, but if you ever went there, it was a major hook up place. I was only 15, so I never hooked up with anyone, but my first boyfriend did break up with me because I went there.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Harder to Kidnap!
Have a good friend at the Karaoke Bar who is rather "tall & large" who in fact has a brother who is even larger and taller. When they are together we call them the "twin towers". Anyway...
He comes in occasionally with the funniest T-Shirts - last nights being "Fat People Are Harder To Kidnap!" Tickled me most of the evening...Any other good T-Shirts/Bumper Stickers recently encountered?
He comes in occasionally with the funniest T-Shirts - last nights being "Fat People Are Harder To Kidnap!" Tickled me most of the evening...Any other good T-Shirts/Bumper Stickers recently encountered?
Who Can Name our Newly Found Band Memeber?
James Van Horn Can Jam!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Papertowel Wisdom
This morning, I opened a new roll of papertowels and found that it had little bits of wisdom written all over it. Strange. Bounty has now become the major philosopher of our time, and for only $2.99. It said things like, "Dance the dance of your dreams." and "Laughter is the pathway to happiness." The one that I liked the best was, "Dare to be feisty." So, here's the challenge: Dare to be feisty. Spend the whole day, being feisty and let us know what you did.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
I Scream. You Scream.
When you were little, what did you always get when the ice cream man came around? Were you loyal to just one ice cream man, or did you buy from whomever came around?
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Best Section
I was in the woodwind section. It had its benefits, but we didn't get much credit for anything we did. I always admired the drumline. To me, they were always the funniest, tightest group in the band. I was always watching what they were up to. What section do you think was the best and why?
Which One Are You?
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
It Wasn't My Fault
As some of you know, I was in a car accident last Saturday. This is my third accident in 6 months. Only the last one could be considered my fault, but I didn't get the ticket. Seems like the Miami Beach police are kind to women on their way to the beach.
What have you done to get out of a ticket? (You guys who are cops, pretend like you aren't reading.)
What have you done to get out of a ticket? (You guys who are cops, pretend like you aren't reading.)
Monday, April 09, 2007
According to Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, serendipity is the effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate, especially while looking for something else entirely. There have been many scientific discoveries attributed to serendipity:
The post-it note was accidentally discovered when attempting to design a strong adhesive, but instead developed one that was very weak.
Vaccination was discovered by Edward Jenner, after he observed that milkmaids would not catch smallpox because they caught benign cowpox first.
"Serendipity is putting a quarter in the gumball machine and having three pieces come rattling out instead of one—all red."
What in your life can you attribute to serendipity?
The post-it note was accidentally discovered when attempting to design a strong adhesive, but instead developed one that was very weak.
Vaccination was discovered by Edward Jenner, after he observed that milkmaids would not catch smallpox because they caught benign cowpox first.
"Serendipity is putting a quarter in the gumball machine and having three pieces come rattling out instead of one—all red."
What in your life can you attribute to serendipity?
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Those Shorts!
Apparently, Karen's green and white or blue and white shorts made quite the impression on you guys. LOL. But what about everyone else? What crazy things about someone in band made a lasting impression on you?
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
I was reading the post about toys the other day and I got to thinking about toys that I always wanted and never got. So that's my question.
What's the one toy you always wanted as a kid but never got? For me it was a Big Wheel-never got one. My Mom said I'd get hit by a car. So every year I would watch in envy as other kids came racing down the sidewalk on those big red and yellow cycles with the tassles on the handle bars streaming in the wind. Then one year, they added a side brake that let you come to a glorious, skidding stop, that you could hook just at the end. It was agony.
What's the one toy you always wanted as a kid but never got? For me it was a Big Wheel-never got one. My Mom said I'd get hit by a car. So every year I would watch in envy as other kids came racing down the sidewalk on those big red and yellow cycles with the tassles on the handle bars streaming in the wind. Then one year, they added a side brake that let you come to a glorious, skidding stop, that you could hook just at the end. It was agony.
I did it...
I submitted the official retirement paperwork today. All goes as planned 2-3 weeks I should have retierment orders in hand, then terminal leave starts sometime in July or early Aug... HOLY COW thats coming up QUICK! You know, it takes more to get you retired from the military than it takes to get you in!
Just thought I'd throw that out there.
It's been one heck of a ride!
Just thought I'd throw that out there.
It's been one heck of a ride!
A Post from Joe about joe
I (Joe) have never liked coffee before. Not for lack of trying several times. I just never liked the taste or had an interest. Last week, my wife got me to try a white chocolate mocha from Starbucks. I'm hooked. I have learned to curb this to just the weekends now, like Saturday and Sunday mornings, but I could drink these every day! My point is, at our ages, are there any new experiences you have discovered that have made a change in your life?
Ok - who's in this time???? DCI

All of us that went last time had an awesome time. Same place as before on South Beach.
Here's the link to check it out
Mike Berrios just emailed me - it's not the Championship (like we saw before)
How many corps will be included in the program?This year will feature 8 corps performances.
How were the corps for this year's Classic Countdown chosen?Drum Corps International fans from around the world had two opportunities to cast ballots to help determine the 8 corps appearing in this year's event. Voters selected 8 performances during a preliminary round that included all available Division I video performances from 1974 through 2006. The top 30 vote getting corps advanced to a final round of voting where fans were invited to select 8 favorite performances from that list of corps. The top 8 vote getting corps performances advanced to the 2007 DCI Classic Countdown.
It's showing at REGAL SAWGRASS - I think i'll go to that showing rather then shlep all the way to south beach.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
It's Elementary.
What elementary school did you go to? What do you remember most about it? Were any of our band friends with you there?
Lunch Time.
What's for lunch? For me, that's easy. I pretty much eat the same thing everyday-chicken soup from Pollo Tropical with one bread. What is your favorite lunch?
Always Pay Top Dollar
Some things we don't mind skimping on, like salt or paper clips. But there are other things where the best isn't good enough. What are some of those things that are always worth the extra cash?
I was reading some of our posts in the archives, and we've talked about some pretty crazy stuff. One item caught my eye. It was where Mandy mentioned the attic in the equipment room. I never went in there, but I know what went on! That was so bold and really very scandalous. What other scandals do you remember from back in the day?
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Who Did That?!
Yes, it's another game. I'll start by writing something someone from band has done. The person who answers comes up with the next interesting fact for us to guess.
Who surprised Larry S. in their adjoining bathroom in Washington DC, only to be extremely surprised herself?
Who surprised Larry S. in their adjoining bathroom in Washington DC, only to be extremely surprised herself?
Monday, March 26, 2007
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Battle of the Sexes
Let's see who is smarter at things concerning the opposite sex. Here's how to play: I'll start by asking a "female" question. A guy has to answer the question, and then asks a "male" question. Don't cheat.
Who is Vera Wang?
A woman who designs wedding dresses.
Ladies this one is for you: Who won Nascar yesterday?
Who is Vera Wang?
A woman who designs wedding dresses.
Ladies this one is for you: Who won Nascar yesterday?
Friday, March 23, 2007
The Prom
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
On Saturday, at Sheba's, Danielle taught us a game the color guard used to play. It's called Deprivation. Let's play an online version. You tell us something you have never done before. If you have done whatever that statement says, you respond by saying something you have never done.
Example: Person 1-I have never jumped from an airplane.
Person 2-I have. I have never skinny dipped. (This will also be our first statement, so if you have skinny dipped, you are next.)
Example: Person 1-I have never jumped from an airplane.
Person 2-I have. I have never skinny dipped. (This will also be our first statement, so if you have skinny dipped, you are next.)
TV Personality

I never played with Barbies or dolls. Instead, my sisters and I played Charlie's Angels. There were three of us at the time, so we each played the same part, and we beat up some major pretend bad guys. I was always Kelly. I didn't want to be like Kelly. I believed I WAS Kelly. Kelly was the part played by Jaclyn Smith, and to me, she was the prettiest and the toughest angel (she's the one on the right).
So, who was your TV alter ego and why?
Friday, March 16, 2007
Happiness is only a retirement away
What will you do when you retire?
....hmmm I'm submitting retirement paperwork today. So Nov 1st I will be retired.
Long story.
....hmmm I'm submitting retirement paperwork today. So Nov 1st I will be retired.
Long story.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
In our childhood, we had Hot Wheels, Care Bears, Cabbage Patch Dolls, the Skipit, and the Simon. There were so many cool toys. What was your favorite?
Some of us have gotten away with some crazy things in our lives. My sisters and I had a cookie stealing ring going at the YMCA back when we were in elementary (no, that's not why they call me Cookie). I would talk to an unsuspecting kid, and make sure they were looking at me while I spoke. Then, one of my sisters would come up behind them and steal their cookies. Hey, we were like 8 years old. What did you expect?
Anyway, I'm sure you guys have better stories than that one. What have you gotten away with?
Anyway, I'm sure you guys have better stories than that one. What have you gotten away with?
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Sell Out
When I turned 15, my father forced me to wear the typical Quinceañera dress and scheduled an appointment to take my 15's pictures. I hated him for it at the time. The dress was horrible-white with ruffles, pink trim, and a gigantic hoop underneath. To rebel, I went to the beach the morning I was to take my pictrures, and got a terrible sunburn. Today, I look at those pictures, and I love them. One day, when I have a granddaughter, I will do the same with her.
What did your parents force you to do, but now, you are grateful you did? Have you forced your kids to do the same?
What did your parents force you to do, but now, you are grateful you did? Have you forced your kids to do the same?
Physical Attraction
Are you a leg man? How about a butt girl? Each of us has a preference for what they like. What three body parts always catch your eye?
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Friday, March 09, 2007
Let's Make "Em Laugh
Joe had a great comment in "Go." He said that Tim and Gina need to laugh. Who wouldn't agree with that? So, let's make them laugh! Tell us some funny band stories, military stories, knock knock jokes (Debbie), or even what happened to you today.
I've got the cutest...
I told someone I was going to write this post so people could share what they consider the cutest part of them. She said no one would answer. I told her, this was a different kind of group. Let's see who's wrong.
What is it? It doesn't have to be the cutest. It could be the most wonderful, sexiest, sweetest, biggest... What is your favorite part of you?
What is it? It doesn't have to be the cutest. It could be the most wonderful, sexiest, sweetest, biggest... What is your favorite part of you?
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Larry Wade called Cathy to tell her that he will be in Miami next weekend, March 17th and 18th. He would really like to see us and has asked if any of us could get together. So, Sheba's here we come! Sheba's is an Ethiopian restaurant where Marlon plays with his jazz group. The address is: 4029 N. Miami Ave., Miami, it's in the Design District, and a really cool place. The Phone is: 305-573-1819. The group will meet there at 8:00 PM Saturday night. Please email or call Cathy if you will be going, so she may place our reservation. Or, you can just let us know right here.
Tell Me A Story
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
How Charming
According to the Free Online Dictionary, the definition for charming is:
The power or quality of attracting or delighting; a particular quality that allures by using strong personal attractiveness.
This word is not used much anymore. It may be because there aren't very many charming people. That's a good thing! Can you imagine what trouble we would be in?
Can you recall someone who knew exactly what to say to you? How'd they do that? Think back. It may have been awhile.
The power or quality of attracting or delighting; a particular quality that allures by using strong personal attractiveness.
This word is not used much anymore. It may be because there aren't very many charming people. That's a good thing! Can you imagine what trouble we would be in?
Can you recall someone who knew exactly what to say to you? How'd they do that? Think back. It may have been awhile.
What's the last movie you saw?
What are you wearing right now?
New Zealand-Italy-Thailand?
What did you fear would "get you" as a child?
What was the last thing that made you really laugh?
What are you wearing right now?
New Zealand-Italy-Thailand?
What did you fear would "get you" as a child?
What was the last thing that made you really laugh?
Gotta Love It
Jeff and I were "talking" Sunday night for quite awhile. I say talking, but we were actually im-ing and texting at the same time. We were talking about his new phone and all of its bells and whistles. He said he had to get text messaging because he has heard that everyone in the group (that's what he calls us.) is mad for it. He is SO right. LOL. I personally have a serious texting addiction. He went on to say that we aren't your typical group of 40 year olds. We're up on technology and can keep up with the kids.
What do you think? Do you love technology? If so, what can't you live without?
What do you think? Do you love technology? If so, what can't you live without?
Monday, March 05, 2007
Kill me now!
We've talked about the best songs. Now, let's talk about the worst ones. What songs make you cringe everytime you hear them?
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Canned Heat
One of my favorite scenes from a movie is towards the end of Napoleon Dynamite. It's the one where Napoleon tells Pedro to follow his heart and then proceeds to dance like a crazy person on the stage. The song he dances to is called "Canned Heat." I love that song! It basically tells you to dance your problems away. Now, that's what I'm talking about.
What do you do when want to feel better?
What do you do when want to feel better?
Thursday, March 01, 2007
It's almost midnight, 28 Feb 2007. The last hour of my first 40 years. I was reading some of the old posts and recollecting some of the old times over the years. Friends, good times, bad times. I wonder what the next 40 years has to offer. I know a crossroads is coming in the next 8 months, as I will complete my 20 years in the military and I will be eligible to retire. Wondering if this is my last assignment, or will I move on to another place and do my duty... The places I've been, the people I have encountered... It's almost like starting life over again, but this time, I am armed with much more knowledge and experience.
What kind of crossroads have you encountered?
lol... rare moment of seriousness from me...
What kind of crossroads have you encountered?
lol... rare moment of seriousness from me...
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Name that Tune
Byron and I often text each other song lyrics so we can try to guess the title. Here are the last lyrics he sent me:
Flashing lights, moving to the beat. Mirrored walls and fogger at your feet. Can you guess what song it is? I did. "Must be the Music."
See if you can guess what song this is by its lyrics. If you guess correctly, post new lyrics for the next person to guess.
Lying in my bed I hear the clock tick, and think of you
caught up in circles, confusion-- is nothing new
Flashing lights, moving to the beat. Mirrored walls and fogger at your feet. Can you guess what song it is? I did. "Must be the Music."
See if you can guess what song this is by its lyrics. If you guess correctly, post new lyrics for the next person to guess.
Lying in my bed I hear the clock tick, and think of you
caught up in circles, confusion-- is nothing new
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Weird Question
When you are in a group of people, do you think you are the normal one and everyone else is weird, or are you the weirdo and everyone else is normal?
(Just answer. Don't analyze it.)
(Just answer. Don't analyze it.)
Friday, February 23, 2007
Whatever you do, don't fall asleep.
To me, Freddy Kreugar is the scariest movie character of all time. I still can't watch those movies. Maybe it is because I have always had insomnia, or the whole child killer thing, or maybe it was the freaky knife gloves. I don't know, but he scares me. Who do you think is the scariest movie character, and why?
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Reunion Tours
The Police are having a reunion tour. They will not be coming here, but I'm sure it will be a great concert. What other groups would you like to see reunite and tour?
Monday, February 19, 2007
Today at Kara's special lunch, I had the opportunity to play with Debby's kids (great kids, by the way). They had the best time playing with their food. Tony chose to throw his on the floor, while Jake flew his like an airplane, and then stashed it away in his lap for later. It made me think of some of the strange things I've seen or heard people do with food. Well, tell us. What strange things have you done with food?
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Ask Mike.
Got a question about life? Mike has the answers.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
I spotted Doritos!!!!!!!
Just to let everyone know our bandmate Dorito, or whatever you all call him was on the news again.
Where did that name come from anyway?????
Monday, February 12, 2007
Crazy Flowers
Today, a really good friend of mine came over to ask for advice. He recently got an amicable divorce from his wife, but still loves her (it's a LONG story). He told me he was going to send her flowers. I tried to talk him out of it, but because he insisted, I advised him against red roses. I told him not to over do it, not to send crazy flowers. He agreed. He was going to buy pink or white ones in a simple arrangement.
Well, he came back an hour later, very excited and showed me a receipt for $214.00! He said, "She's going to look at them and think..."that's where I interrupted him and said, "He's nuts!" He said, "Well, everyone likes a little nuts."
So, here it is-the question: What have you done that was just a little crazy in the name of love (or like or lust?)?
Well, he came back an hour later, very excited and showed me a receipt for $214.00! He said, "She's going to look at them and think..."that's where I interrupted him and said, "He's nuts!" He said, "Well, everyone likes a little nuts."
So, here it is-the question: What have you done that was just a little crazy in the name of love (or like or lust?)?
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Red, red wine
Alcohol has a way of making you talk. It has a way of making you do dumb things. And, it even has a way of showing you who your true friends are. What are some of the things you've done, that you can blame on alcohol?
Monday, February 05, 2007
A Couple of Questions...
Finish these 5 statements with the first thing that comes to mind:
If I could, I would
I love
The one thing I think about all the time is
I hate
I sing
If I could, I would
I love
The one thing I think about all the time is
I hate
I sing
Sunday, February 04, 2007
What a Halftime
Tonight is the Super Bowl, and it's right here in Miami. To me, the best part will be Prince performing in the halftime show. Did you know that on 1st and 10, a sports show, Prince allowed the viewers to email their song requests to him?!! He said he would play the audience's favorites. What would be your 3 picks for Prince to perform?
Thursday, February 01, 2007
You are invited...
Juan Canasi is celebrating his 40TH Birthday and he wants to celebrate with us!
February 17TH @ 6:30PM iN Kendall.
Hope you can attend. Go to:
to R.S.V.P. and for more information.
February 17TH @ 6:30PM iN Kendall.
Hope you can attend. Go to:
to R.S.V.P. and for more information.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Which is more important?
Last week, this random lady called the office to ask for counseling. When she came in, she told a friend of mine and I her story. Basically, she had been married for 7 years, and throughout the entire marriage, her husband treated her very badly. (I won't go into the details, but it was bad.) She was a very smart lady, with a couple of degrees under her belt. When my co-worker asked her why she stayed for so long, she said, "His penis was perfect for me." Yes, you read that right. That is exactly what she said.
This brings to mind a certain question: Which is more important, intelligence or common sense?
This brings to mind a certain question: Which is more important, intelligence or common sense?
Question of the Day
Debbie and Lisa were talking about the old days and had a disagreement about when the danceline joined the band. We know they started in '85, but Lisa says that the danceline did not join us on our Spring Trip that year. Does anyone remember why?
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Similarities and Differences
Let's try a new game.
I'll start by making a statement about myself. If you have something in common with that statement, or are completely the opposite, then you will say, similarity or difference, depending on the answer and say why. Then, make a statement about yourself for the next person to comment on.
I like to dunk chocolate chip cookies in fruit punch.
I'll start by making a statement about myself. If you have something in common with that statement, or are completely the opposite, then you will say, similarity or difference, depending on the answer and say why. Then, make a statement about yourself for the next person to comment on.
I like to dunk chocolate chip cookies in fruit punch.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
the BIG 4-0
As you know, Gina's birthday is this weekend. She will be forty. Some of you have recently turned 40 as well, and there are even some of you who have passed that milestone a couple of years ago. How is it being 40? Does turning 40 really affect you?
Monday, January 15, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Denise's party was pretty memorable for many reasons. Here are the highlights:
Denise was the perfect party girl-Thanks for all of the NEW stories.
It is still amazing how much we have stayed true to ourselves. There are no phonies in this group, that's for sure!
Diana and Jeff Kampert were there along with Jeff's son, Ryan.
Although we've gotten older, we are definitely not intimidated by the latest technology.
Mike can DJ a party in Okechobee and make it to ours by 1:00 a.m.
We learned what Peter's theme song is.
Robin is back!
And, tonight some of us are getting together to see Marlon again at Sheba's in the Design District. If you're interested, let Cathy know so she can make the reservations.
What else happened? Any questions? Comments?
Denise was the perfect party girl-Thanks for all of the NEW stories.
It is still amazing how much we have stayed true to ourselves. There are no phonies in this group, that's for sure!
Diana and Jeff Kampert were there along with Jeff's son, Ryan.
Although we've gotten older, we are definitely not intimidated by the latest technology.
Mike can DJ a party in Okechobee and make it to ours by 1:00 a.m.
We learned what Peter's theme song is.
Robin is back!
And, tonight some of us are getting together to see Marlon again at Sheba's in the Design District. If you're interested, let Cathy know so she can make the reservations.
What else happened? Any questions? Comments?
The Game Played Me
Last night at Denise's party, Byron played a golf video game. He had been watching it the whole night, and said he couldn't resist it anymore. When he came back to the table, Mike asked him, "How'd you do?" Byron said, "Not so good. The game played me."
Has that ever happened to you? Not with a video game, in life. Where you tried something, you couldn't resist, thought would be fun, only to have it (or them, as Mike pointed out) play you? What is something you wished you would have never tried to do because it ended miserably.
Has that ever happened to you? Not with a video game, in life. Where you tried something, you couldn't resist, thought would be fun, only to have it (or them, as Mike pointed out) play you? What is something you wished you would have never tried to do because it ended miserably.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Skip Day
I love this line from Ferris Bueller's Day Off,
"Hey, Cameron. You realize if we played by the rules right now we'd be in gym?"
It's not the most memorable line, but it really takes me back. One of the best things about high school was skipping, don't you think? There was nothing like that thrill-sneaking away from school, finding a way to buy wine coolers (remember those?!), hanging out with friends, and then, going home and pretending like you didn't have a tan. I probably spent more time at the beach my senior year than in school. Who remembers those strange ways of calculating when an official senior skip day was to take place? What are some of the things you remember about skipping school? Were you ever caught?
"Hey, Cameron. You realize if we played by the rules right now we'd be in gym?"
It's not the most memorable line, but it really takes me back. One of the best things about high school was skipping, don't you think? There was nothing like that thrill-sneaking away from school, finding a way to buy wine coolers (remember those?!), hanging out with friends, and then, going home and pretending like you didn't have a tan. I probably spent more time at the beach my senior year than in school. Who remembers those strange ways of calculating when an official senior skip day was to take place? What are some of the things you remember about skipping school? Were you ever caught?
Monday, January 08, 2007
Weird Science
Does anyone remember the planetarium on the third floor? A lot of us didn't even know it was there. Strange. Anyway, it is no longer there. When the school went through the renovations, they took it away. Along those same lines, how many of you had Mr. Rigerman? I'm sure there are plenty of us with stories about him! Did you know that he is currently teaching at Miami Lakes Middle? Crazy, right? How old IS that guy?
Monday, January 01, 2007
There's one in every family
The holidays are over. And, if you are like me, then you probably ate too much, are really tired, and you've just spent a lot of time with relatives. Isn't it funny how when you're all together, you realize just how normal you are? :)
You know what people say? That every family has at least one crazy relative, and if you think you don't, then you're it! What are some of the craziest things your family members have done when everyone was together?
You know what people say? That every family has at least one crazy relative, and if you think you don't, then you're it! What are some of the craziest things your family members have done when everyone was together?
THAT'S a Good One
On New Year's Eve, Byron told us a story that involved Dr. Harding and a car full of manure! What a crazy story. Since I was not there at the time, and did not know Dr. Harding, I have no idea why anyone would want to do this to one of our band directors. Why did this happen? Better yet, who did this? Come on, now. We want details.
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