Welcome to HML Band Reunion Blog Site. We are band members from the late 70's to the mid 80's. If you would like to be added as a member just let us know!

Who knows what the future brings...

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

What do you think?

I just got home from serving jury duty. Believe it or not, I actually enjoyed my experience. I met some cool, and surprisingly intelligent people. The people involved with the case were a different story, however. This must have been the dumbest group of men I've ever seen. There were 3 old guys (55-71) who sit under a coconut tree all day, get drunk, and get very loud. To make a long story short, the drunk guy called a guy with a toothache a gorilla and it all ended with a threat with a boxcutter. I personally think someone should have smacked them both in the head and made them apologize. Stupid behavior from grown men who should know better. What's wrong with people?

Question: Do people ever mature or do they just grow older?


Denise said...

2 questions in that post:

1) What's wrong with people? If we started to answer that, it could take forever

2) Do people ever mature or do they just grow older? In my opinion, some people are just childish and will never mature. Other people are just plain dumb and stay that way.

Tim said...

Growing old is mandatory... Growing up is optional.

Stupid is as stupid does...
how ever, stupid is knowing better and not doing anything about it. Which is alot different than ignorance.

Yeah, stupidity pisses me off...