Who knows what the future brings...

Tuesday, May 01, 2007
what does it meeeaaannn
I remember when we were in school I hugged a lot. Not just girls but guys too. I was a hugger. I still am. It was and remains, for me, just a hug. But it occurred to me that, to other people, women that is, there seems to be no such thing as " just" a hug. It meeaaannns something. Why? Ladies help me out here. Doesn't anyone hug just to hug anymore. If you hug one person does that mean they have exclusive rights said hugs. Or, does it mean that you're in love with a person just because you embrace them. Mind you I'm talking about "single" women. I know there are some lines you just don't cross. With that said however, Its just a hug. Am I wrong? Thoughts please?
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Byron, I'm with you... A hug is just a HUG. I love to give them as well as receive them.
I have branded in my mind that wonderful "BEAR" hug you gave Herman at the park after the reunion. It was the most awesome hug I had seen in a while (kinda made me jealous). (j/k-you know)
As far as someone thinking it's more that just a hug...poor girl probably doesn't get hugged much and needs to.
I also think it's a "Miami" thing. When I moved up here it took some getting used to not having all the affection we have down there. Now my friends are used to me and the hugs (and kisses) go around (mostly with the girls, the guys still don't get it-only on special occasions).
That's my 2 cents...don't know if it helps
***** BIG HUGS TO YOU *****
Byron, Niki, you got it. Hugs are hugs. Great to give and great to receive. I don't know anyone (least I don't think so) that feels some kind of proprietary rights to someone when they receive a hug.
Now I don't necessarily agree on the "Miami" thing. I know people in other areas outside of Florida who also appreciate hugging. I do agree though that someone must not be getting any hugs to read more into it.
So, guess Niki & I weren't any help. Maybe because we aren't single. Oh well, hugs & kisses to you By. Keep on hugging. It's part of who you are. Love ya!
A hug is just a hug. With my claustrophobia issues, I am not a hugger, nor am I a cuddler, but I do know that people are. So, I don't read anything into it, just grin and bear it.
I too am a hugger. I'll admit it. After so many years, I'm finally not ashamed of it.
Some people take it the wrong way, especially some women when I'm hugging their boyfriends or husbands (but keep in mind I knew their husbands or boyfriends WAY before they came along)
But I feel that it is their problem, not mine.
Feel free to hug me anytime.
I'm not really a hugger... it depends on who it is. Typically I dont like to be touched by just anyone. I dont really like the touchy feely thing that some do.
The type that feel the need to touch you when they talk to ya... especially people that dont know you well. Now good friends its ok. Maybe I'm wierd, but alot of it has to do with with my students.... That is a big NO-NO. They'll burn you for that!
and after all these years byron, i thought you realy loved me.lol!
Thanks ladies. Tim I completely understand. None of my teachers ever hugged me. Although there were one or to who I wish would have. Ms. Stemmer for one. She was kinda hot. Oh and some of the band moms were hotties too but I digress. :-D. Joe you crack me up.
Byron... one thing I would have to dis agree on... Stemmer? Nah I didnt like her that much. Ask Peter. needless to say we were not star students in her class. With teachers it has to be professional... as they told us in the instructor course I took - the students are not a smorgsagborg.
Sorry guys, I see it a little different than you.
I don't think "a hug is just a hug."(Niki) or "hugs are hugs"(Robin) or "A hug is just a hug"(Cookie).
I understand what you're saying but I don't agree.
My hugs actually mean something. They are not just hugs. So if you've ever been hugged by me you know it actually means something!
Please note: I think everyone on this post has received a hug or two from me and if not perhaps I'll catch you next time I see ya'....oh, except Mr. B cuz....you don't like that sorta thing.
A hug is a hug. It is what it is. I like hugs. I hugged a lot when I use to drink. Now I hug a lot cuz I can't resist.
Who said I wanted one?
I need a hug!
all this hugging crap is making me HORNY.
well i guess just about everything does, so thats no excuse.
Byron, a hug is just a hug. I hug everyone, always have, always will, married as well as single. well, alot more since I've been single...I agree, if a person questions a hug, then they haven't been hugged enough or never been hugged.
So with that I say hug, be hugged and be you!
(Tim, you hug...I have a picture!)
jorge, we've missed you. I'll give you a hug.
What? Who we hugging?
Jorge Dude where you been. Come here man.
It's OK Deb. We can e-hug. Get over it! Anytime Byron, you're as good as they get!
Hey Jorge......(Squeeze) there's an e-hug for ya! I hope we see you soon....
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