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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Which One Are You?

Bashful, Grumpy, Dopey, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy, or Doc? Which of the seven dwarfs would you be and why?


Denise said...

Sleepy - i'm always tired and always can find time to nap

Robin said...

It's hard to decide since I am each one at different times.

I guess to pick only one it would have to be Happy because I like to laugh and I can almost always find something to laugh at in almost any situation.

Anonymous said...

I saw the perfect shirt yesterday...

"I'm Grumpy, cause you're Dopey"

I thought it was funny.


CookieTea said...

Doc. I like the fact that he's the only one with a monosyllable name.

Mike Berrios - MB Entertainment - Entertainment Director said...

Horny!!! I'm Horny!!! Oh he wasn't a dwarf?? $h!t that sux!

Jeanne said...

I'm grumpy and happy (go figure). I'm usually grumpy in the morning but somehow transform to happy once 10am rolls around.

Anonymous said...

I'm six of the seven DAILY! Bashful does not apply.
Dopey/Happy 6am-1pm
Sneezy 1pm-1:15pm
Happy/Dopey 1:15pm-10pm
Sleepy 10pm-12am
Grumpy 12am-6am

Tim said...


My kids say I am sleepy and grumpy.

TV puts me to sleep, and I am grumpy when they don't do their chores!

Anonymous said...

I think I saw a movie once were there was a horny dwarf. Oh wait now I remember. They were all... never mind it was a different kinda flick. I just rememeber sayin "Snow White, NOOOO."

Tim said...

an "Adult Cartoon" huh?