Welcome to HML Band Reunion Blog Site. We are band members from the late 70's to the mid 80's. If you would like to be added as a member just let us know!

Who knows what the future brings...

Monday, April 09, 2007


According to Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, serendipity is the effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate, especially while looking for something else entirely. There have been many scientific discoveries attributed to serendipity:
The post-it note was accidentally discovered when attempting to design a strong adhesive, but instead developed one that was very weak.
Vaccination was discovered by Edward Jenner, after he observed that milkmaids would not catch smallpox because they caught benign cowpox first.

"Serendipity is putting a quarter in the gumball machine and having three pieces come rattling out instead of one—all red."

What in your life can you attribute to serendipity?


Denise said...

trying out for chorus and luckily realizing that I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, and picking band instead.

Trust me, it's been one of my better moves.

Debby H. said...

Well, I didn't mean to get pregnant the 2nd time, but I got Jake out of it, and I am soooo thankful for that.