Welcome to HML Band Reunion Blog Site. We are band members from the late 70's to the mid 80's. If you would like to be added as a member just let us know!

Who knows what the future brings...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Papertowel Wisdom

This morning, I opened a new roll of papertowels and found that it had little bits of wisdom written all over it. Strange. Bounty has now become the major philosopher of our time, and for only $2.99. It said things like, "Dance the dance of your dreams." and "Laughter is the pathway to happiness." The one that I liked the best was, "Dare to be feisty." So, here's the challenge: Dare to be feisty. Spend the whole day, being feisty and let us know what you did.


Jeanne said...

Well now, if I spent the whole day TRYING to be fiesty, what would I do the rest of the time? I am already fiesty. My boss has nicknamed me "trouble maker" only because I am fiesty. Go figure. Maybe I should write a few "words of wisdom" for bounty.

Here's a few. "I'm just selling it like I bought it."

"Why would I want to buy my own sense when I can use someone else's bought sense"

and my most favorite of all...
"That person made me so mad that they made my butt want to suck a lemon" (NO KINKY INVOLVED IN THAT ONE)

CookieTea said...

I'm so going to use the, "i'm just selling it like I bought it!"

Anonymous said...

Yeah Jeanne I'd say you got that whole fiest thing pretty much nailed down. A lemon huh?

CookieTea said...

Today's sheet: Dance the dance of your dreams.

Debby H. said...

Have you seen the maxi pads that say, "Have a nice period"? What idiot thought that one up. Some uptight woman is going to sniper that person.

Jeanne said...

Debby, the first time I read that on a maxi pad I thought right away "A man had to think that up."