Welcome to HML Band Reunion Blog Site. We are band members from the late 70's to the mid 80's. If you would like to be added as a member just let us know!

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Best Section

I was in the woodwind section. It had its benefits, but we didn't get much credit for anything we did. I always admired the drumline. To me, they were always the funniest, tightest group in the band. I was always watching what they were up to. What section do you think was the best and why?


Anonymous said...

The brass section!!!! I wonder if puckering as anything to do with their nice asses.

Tim said...

Of course the brass section. Uh - I wasnt checking out any of the brass sections ass...

Anonymous said...

The drumline won the "Best Drumline" award at the St.Pete, Atlanta, Gatlinburg and Nashville marching band competitions

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Guard...cuz I said so!

joe williams said...

the woodwind section!! i mean c'mon we had karen consolo shorts for gosh sakes!!!!!!

Debby H. said...

Maybe I'll get the last word on this one.


Anonymous said...

Woodwinds were the best. there were only to girls in the brass section and all they did was blow spit out thier valves. Woodwinds on the other hand had girls galore and there was nothing I mean nothing like watching the clarinet setion wet their reeds.

CookieTea said...


Tim said...

Now wait a minute... best section in what respect. Byron brings up a good point. We all know that the brass section is superior musically... we may not have had looked very good in shorty shorts. No comment on the wetting of reeds. And Joe, Byron... trust me no one from the brass was watching you guys lick your reeds, and I dont think I would want to see ya in the silky striped shorts.

Wait a minute both my kids are woodwinds... daughter plays clarinet and my son plays the alto sax.