Who knows what the future brings...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
FINALLY!! Ok guys I'm giving you a years notice for next years HML trojan band alumni's performance at HML's homecoming game against Hialeah high!!!! Will get exact date in future posts , it will probably be around sept./Oct. My brother who is an alumni also, talked to the band director and he is very excited about this. I will need some help so sign up now. I just did UM's alumni band and got some great ideas on organizing and downloading the music so you can have it early, hey it all comes back to ya trust me. ok enough for now will let you know more soon. thanks
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I trust you Juan, but I think it comes down to whether I can do it or not. :) I'm game.
cookie I'm giving you almost one year notice! You can do it. we'll probably practice a day or two before the game and then the game that's it. It's not like we are doing a whole halftime routine it will be a song or two and that's it and then some fun stands music.
the hard part will be organizing it and getting the word out, I also plan on getting us alumni shirts . I'm confident we can get it together.
luly is an HML alumni a few years junior to most of us, and was also in the UM band with me, luv my luly!! And yes we defenitely learned what does NOT work! It was not handled as well as past alumni bands. Luly all I can say about this group (cookie, cathy) they KNOW how to organize and have fun at it!
Juan, I went to a party this weekend and met the birthday girl's brother and his family(who, btw are from Hialeah). Upon talking with his wife, I came to find out she and her daughter (I wonder if it's Luly) just participated in the UM Alumni Reunion. Your name came up and she said she knows you very well. They moved to Orlando about 6 months ago and mentioned that you are going to be close to where they are living. Talk about a small world!!! To add more to the connection, the lady (Sara) used to work at the dentist that I went to as a kid!!! Her husband was a Hialeah Firefighter, I didn't know him, but knew some of the guys he worked with. His sister works with Herman and it was HER b-day party!
They are a cool family and hopefully we made a connection (the Hialeah-Cuban connection) and see them again soon. SO!!! if you EVER visit, please keep us in mind and maybe we can get together.
Niki, WOW what a small world indeed! Yes Luly (lourdes) who is also an HML band alumni, was in the UM band with me, we were very close and I love her family, her mom Sara and other daughter Letti are so much fun! we had a great time at the reunion! the hialeah-cuban connection will be moving to central florida. I promise we will get together when we move up there.
Alex isn't far away either, there's gonna be a bunch of us up there!
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