Welcome to HML Band Reunion Blog Site. We are band members from the late 70's to the mid 80's. If you would like to be added as a member just let us know!

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Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Three Jorges

Who remembers the 3 Jorges? Everyone. Jorge Balleste, Jorge Perez, and George Mayor. Each of them is memorable for their own reasons. Some of these reasons have made them infamous. Two were present at the reunion. We never found George Mayor. Where is he? Can you name 3 other famous Jorges (or Georges)?


Denise said...

Curious George
George Carlin
George Foreman

Jorge Perez said...

King George III
George Washington
George Gershwin

CookieTea said...

George Costanza
George Washington Carver
George Carlin

Kara said...

George Clooney,
George Clooney,
Did I mention George Clooney?

Niki said...

George of the Jungle
Jorge Posada
Jorge Perez, Sr. :)

Anonymous said...

How about George "W"??
Georgie Porgie
George Stephanopoulos

Kara said...

Heather, you just wanted to show off that you knew how to SPELL Stephi, Stephe... Stephanopolous!

Tim said...

Wasn't Mr. Walters first name George?

CookieTea said...

Oh yeah, that's right!

Denise said...

I'd have check, but I thought his name was Leonard (behind his back we called him Lenny)

Denise said...

so Lenny (the pervert) was band director 80-81 - he's the one that wanted us to march like Hialeah High and "High" step it and not march corp style (he was clueless)

Doc Harding was hired, but I don't think he had ever worked with a marching band, so he basically let us do what we wanted (even more clueless) ....too funny what you will remember all those years ago, but won't remember what you did last week.......

Niki said...

Hey what about George Burns