Welcome to HML Band Reunion Blog Site. We are band members from the late 70's to the mid 80's. If you would like to be added as a member just let us know!

Who knows what the future brings...

Sunday, August 13, 2006

HML Band Alumni Web Site Update

Hey Gang!

There are three new sets of pictures in the Gallery from Kara Allaire (Madden), Gina Darmanin, and Justine Hyle. Additionally, there are previews as to what pictures are in the pipe to be loaded.

As far as the new blog goes, I have installed the blogging engine and and have done some configuration. Fairly soon (probably within 2 weeks) we shall need to start thinking about a cutover date to give me some time to convert over the existing content to the new blogsite so nothing is lost. But more on that as we get closer and we've had some time to work out the kinks!

Enjoy! E!



CookieTea said...

this is awesome, eric. Thanks for all of your hard work. It's so incredible that you are doing this.

Anonymous said...

The website is nice, Eric...but

KARA, where did you get those pictures???? They are horrible!!!
I choose not to remember looking like that!!! :)

Kara said...

Heather...Hey, I gave Eric a FEW pictures to post...he then proceeded to rummage thru my scrapbooks and must have taken out those bad pictures of you that you KNOW i owould never post!

Kara :)

Niki said...

I love it Eric.... I saw Terine somewhere in there...I wish she would get in touch with us :)

Love the Luau pictures! Oh, the memories!

Someone a while back said, oh if we had digital cameras back then, hey, we do have scanners, right! Keep the pictures coming, they are GREAT!

THANKS a trillion-billion times.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Kelly!! Love you, too :)

Watch out, I am in Atlanta every now and again!!!