Welcome to HML Band Reunion Blog Site. We are band members from the late 70's to the mid 80's. If you would like to be added as a member just let us know!

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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Pizza and Corn

I was thinking today about school lunch. Why is it that they always served pizza and corn? You know, to this day, this still do that? Where is it written that pizza and corn should go together? Why would you even serve them at the same time? Weird.

Thinking along those lines, it made me think of other strange combinations in high school that I would never picture working together, but did. What two things would you never work together, but oddly enough wouldn't seem the same if they weren't paired?


Denise said...

vanilla milkshake and vodka

Niki said...

french fries and chocolate milk shake.

chocolate and potato chips.

turkey sandwich with rasberry preserve.

CookieTea said...

I remember when you used to eat french fries and hot fudge sundaes.

Denise said...

jano's subs for lunch - the 7-11 by the school for mountain dew and cheetos - sir pizza in miami lakes

Eddie said...

i am 93' hml band member - where do is sign up?

CookieTea said...

Hi eddie. email me and I'll send you an invite.

CookieTea said...

cumberbuns and cowboy hats.

CookieTea said...

chip ahoy cookies and fruit punch

Niki said...

Tim, slurpy Jacks, slurpy Jims!...wow, i remember one time getting to math (that was after lunch) and one of my friends there told me not to sit in my regular seat (in the front row) cause i reeked of alcohol! thanks to you and Terine!! :)

I think we did that for the whole week, right?

Niki said...

YES! i must agree---French fries and hot-fudge sundaes are the best still!