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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Perspective by John Bender
In the Breakfast Club, John Bender (Judd Nelson) states, "Being bad feels pretty good, huh?" When has this been true?
but tim, you really didn't give us your time either! I'll be the first, I guess. I remember going tp-ing with Debby, my sister, and I think Robert V. We went all around Hialeah. It was so much fun! What about the time at one of those parties at the Elks (I think it was the Elks) in Miami Springs when there were so many people in that place that the door fell off! Good times.
I am so totally passing on this one ;)
every time ;}
but tim, you really didn't give us your time either! I'll be the first, I guess. I remember going tp-ing with Debby, my sister, and I think Robert V. We went all around Hialeah. It was so much fun! What about the time at one of those parties at the Elks (I think it was the Elks) in Miami Springs when there were so many people in that place that the door fell off! Good times.
ok...going through the Farm Store and buying a dozen eggs, then heading to 49th St.
ok...tping certain cars at the work site!
so just curious cause my memory is foggy (i know shocker!) about this one.
Which of you were at my "New Years Eve party in July" at the Miamia Springs Elks lodge?
I've never been to an Elk's Lodge. I have not been to a Moose Lodge, Leopard Lodge nor to a Water Buffalo Lodge.
I don't think I went to your party, but there were a lot thrown there in '85. I think it was '85.
All the time! Since I can remember.
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