Welcome to HML Band Reunion Blog Site. We are band members from the late 70's to the mid 80's. If you would like to be added as a member just let us know!

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Friday, August 11, 2006

My favorite things

Oprah has her list. Here is mine:

music-any kind, but done well.

M & M's-only plain

beautiful shoes-it doesn't matter if they hurt


the beach

So, what are your top 5 favorite things?


Kara said...

I guess this is more my favorite things to do since I can't thing of any particular favorite "thing" (except maybe a really good book)...
1.) Driving in a convertible with the top down (only if it has one of those little windscreen thingies in the back, tho)
2.) Disney World in any non-summer month
3.) Eyeliner and mascara, a girl's best friends :)
4.) Brave's games at Turner Field
5.) A night out...dinner & the theatre

Eric said...

Whales tales prnice of whales, pins his tail on number.....

Just kidding (but those were fun days)

My List:
1. Spending time with Janet
2. Spending time with the kids
3. Hanging out with 'band geeks'
4. Driving a boat ANYWHERE
5. 7 straight days without having
to drag my a** through security
and on a plane.

Almost list makers...love the movies, still love to read, enjoying a bottle of Cakebread Chardoney, and oh yea...eating out!

Cathy said...


1) great friends and family
2) A full moon
3) the beach at night
4) sunrise and sunsets
5) Music.....

Anonymous said...

*looking at your newborn baby for the first time
*weddings-mine or anyone else's
*watching kids discover Disney World, especially the fireworks
*Christmas, the whole season, not just the day!!

and, Eric, I'm with you-Cakebread rocks!!

Eric said...

Hey Heather!

Sad thing is I am California usually at least once a month and it was fairly easy to pick up a couple bottles for a much reduced price then generally available elsewhere.

'course now those boneheaded terrorists have made it impossible to carry wine on board (and I never check a bag) Might have a to make an exception here soon thought...Cakebread stash is out!

Niki said...

1) La Familia!
2) Good friends!
3) Dark Chocolate!
4) "My" music!
5) the kids getting along!

---Peace & Harmony---

Anonymous said...

I thought they could ship it now!! Still not to Texas, eh??

Maybe someday.....Heather :)

Niki said...

can't forget my CAFE CON LECHE