Saturday mornings were always magical to me. Even though we were allowed to sleep a little later, I never did. There was one reason for that: cartoons. We only had cartoons very early in the morning before school or Saturday mornings. Today, cartoons and other kids' shows are on 24 hours a day. Recently, on one of these 24 hour cartoon channels, I saw an episode of Banana Splits. It was hilarious. I used to love that show.
What Saturday morning cartoons did you really enjoy?
Tennessee Tuxedo
Wally Gator
Yogi Bear (and boo boo)
Looney Tunes
I was (and still am) a carton fan
"Kimba the White Lion" was my imaginary plaything...And I had a huge crush on Aquaman...which is weird cause now I like the Middle-Eastern look ( call me crazy!! )
segmen and the sea monsters,
H R puffing stuff
seal and crawf
speed racer
I can't help but watch the new stuff because of my kids... :)
I personally love The Flinstones. Cartoons also were on when I got home from school back in the elementary school days. That's when Scooby Doo came on. LOVED that one too. I liked Gummy Bear cartoons too but that was more like when I was in Jr. High (can't remember what year).
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