This past weekend served as a reminder that I am not getting any younger...
My daughter turns 16 tomorrow...
She went to the Prom saturday night...
We just ordered her class ring today... class of 09.
Oh yeah, I am retiring Nov 1st. But you all knew that. I actually go on terminal leave in a couple months. Time is flying by. What else makes ya feel old?
Yeah Tim sounds like you are getting old...good luck with that!
I don't really feel old.
I don't know what your talking about. I feel young as ever..... Holding at 29 for the past 11 years now. LOL!!!
Tim, I'm sorry you feel so old... maybe you should get your ass back to Miami where all us younger, ageless people live.. time might start to reverse for you... Then again... you are an old, soon to be retired,
Start enjoying life now!! It's not a terminal disease, it only gets better from where your at. Chill dude, relaxe and ride wave of life to where it takes you from here on out! Peace out old timer...:)
Geez Cathy, Where that come from, the Kabala bible?
Cute Debby, guess I've been hang'n on the beach to long...
Are you the zen-mistress or mother ocean?
HUmmm.. good question... I have been told that I am a great mixture of both... LOOK OUT!!!:)
you are crazy, paula. Love ya!
So I've been told.
Tim I realized I was getting old when I caught myself using phrases like "these days" i.e. kids these days, man the music "these days" oh and speaking of which I find that I can't bear loud music. I nolonger want to "crank it up." Well, unless its classic stuff. Dough!!! I said classic. that does it.Im an old man.
Well considering I'm a director of financial aid I see quite a few college aged kids. The FIRST time I processed a student's FAFSA application and his year of birth was 1986, I put my head down and sighed. THAT was the first time I felt old.
OH and when an ex-boyfriend's mom of mine was only 12 years older than me.......oh wait, that's the craddle robber in me......NEVERMIND
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