Welcome to HML Band Reunion Blog Site. We are band members from the late 70's to the mid 80's. If you would like to be added as a member just let us know!

Who knows what the future brings...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


What is your latest food addiction? Or, what have you experimented with in the kitchen lately? Are there any guys out there who cook, and cook well?


Niki said...

Come on people--- I NEED ideas of what to cook!

I have been experimenting with tofu (ever since our daughter became a vegitarian around Thanksgiving), one of our favorites is "tofu cuban sandwiches" YUM!!

Slice the block of tofu and let it marinate in "mojo" for a while. Then fry it in olive oil. Toast the Cuban bread, mayo, mustard, tomato, spinach (we like it better than lettuce) and OMG it is de-lish!

CookieTea said...

niki, you definitely have me beat in the creativity department.

Niki said...


CookieTea said...

girl, tofu Cuban sandwiches just says it all.

Niki said...

lol...they are good though.

I can go on with my other creations with "garbanzo" beans and a new found way to make lentil beans. What's surprising is that the kids like it.