Welcome to HML Band Reunion Blog Site. We are band members from the late 70's to the mid 80's. If you would like to be added as a member just let us know!

Who knows what the future brings...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Have you ever been in a never-ending meeting and actually heard Charlie Brown's teacher? That happens to me all of the time. Call it a short attention span or now as everyone says ADD. Whatever. The thing is, is that I seem to get sidetracked by the same stuff all the time. You know how it is. Let's say someone says something like team effort. I immediately start thinking about last night's baseball game, then to certain plays from the game, then to individual players, then to Albert Pujols, which of course makes me think of, well let's just stop there. :)

So, when you get sidetracked, what do YOU always think about?


Tim said...

mom and apple pie?

or strike you're out?

Kara said...

Sometimes I experience a weird sense of deja vu, then I find myself trying to recall whatever dream I had the night before...to no avail.

CookieTea said...


Tim said...

you were thinking about baseball...

baseball, mom and apple pie... all american!!!

strike three you out... baseball

sheesh! lol!

CookieTea said...

Ohhhhhh! I get it. Sorry. :)

CookieTea said...

sorry, carlos, but you do realize they won, right? :)

CookieTea said...

You're right about the stats, of course and about Yadir. But, Carlos, hello, Pujol's stats are not what sidetrack me.

Niki said...

What am I gonna make for dinner? Do I have all the ingredients? Do I have frozen pizza in the freezer?

and the ultimate sidetrack...What is this meeting about again?