Welcome to HML Band Reunion Blog Site. We are band members from the late 70's to the mid 80's. If you would like to be added as a member just let us know!

Who knows what the future brings...

Thursday, July 13, 2006


To those of you attending the HML Band Reunion this Saturday, we have an urgent warning. It has been brought to my attention that there have been some MAJOR changes in the past 20 years. Some of us have gained quite a bit of weight, gotten a few wrinkles, and even noticed gravity take it's toll on our bodies. There are others, who have gray hair and some, yes it's true, have no hair at all. If you would like to warn any of us, before the actual event, now is your chance. Let us know what we should expect, so there will be no surprises.
Can't wait to see all of you, no matter how you look!


Kara said...

Alright, I confess, I've put on a LOT of weight since high school... so don't be too shocked :)


Niki said...

Gravity has taken over certain parts of my body...but thanks to a 'wonder'ful thing, they will be perky Saturday night!

Started getting greys, too. I must confess, I have been pulling the ones sticking straight up out of the top of my head.

Poor Herm...he's still 'perky', but the hairline......ummm, well, let's just say, he carries his hair (what's left of it) short. No more 'teja'

Niki said...

Well Jeff, I'm glad I wasn't the only one up so late last night. I couldn't wait to get on today to see who's been here. How's your family? your sis...i saw her blog, but she needs to post on this one.


CookieTea said...

What Jorge is this? If it's the one I saw today, you look great! Somehow, my hair is now dark brown. I don't know what happened. No grays yet, but unfortunately, some wrinkles. I don't care what we look like. I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!

Cathy said...

Peter it just like you.
Jorge will for ever remain Mr. Magoo in our hearts. But yes, Jorge now has dark hair, and some gray,but you have to look really hard for it. Besides that he looks the same.
Me on the other hand. I've had a stressful life and gravity has taken control of certain areas, the only thing that remains the same on me is my eyes.
I wished I aged like Jorge and Peter. they must of found the fountain of youth when they were in the forest and didn't let anyone else know about it. lol......

Niki said...


Deb, you liar, both of you are looking great. It's so cute seeing you as a mom, your babies are so cute!

Jorge B., you too! LIAR!! Your little mamacita is beautiful too. :)

Jorge P. on the other hand... Well, you did take the prize didn't you--you're still handsome anyways. Don't worry, grey is the new black!

Kara, you look beautiful!