Welcome to HML Band Reunion Blog Site. We are band members from the late 70's to the mid 80's. If you would like to be added as a member just let us know!

Who knows what the future brings...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Pictures from E!

Hey Gang!

Before I give out this URL...I just threw these pictures up to the site, which will end up being our new website...just a note: I did this quick and dirty to get the pictures out. The final website will look nothing like this and will be quite the elegant site...so no griping allowed ;>


Enjoy, E!


Eric said...

Okay I'm a drinking band person with a typing problem...

"The final website will LOOK nothing like this and will be quite the elegant site...so no gripping allowed ;>"

Eric said...

just so there is no confusion...under the three pictures on the left are two hyperlinks to the party and picnic pages...each has about 20 or so pics

Niki said...

Eric you're the best---these are awesome!!!

Kara said...

Great job, Eric :)


Tim said...

Not bad for a start.

Eric said...

There is another like posted now "Back in the Day Pictures" which include some of the slide show pictures as well as some I got from Mom Kampert

Eric said...

FAIR WARNING....I found some negatives in a box of us "back in the day" and I am running them up to CVS to get back tonight and post.