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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Guys Just Don't do That!

A group of us were talking in a chat room last night, and we came to realize that there are some things that a girl would do, that a guy would definitely NOT do. Here are a couple we came up with:

Two guys will not share the same umbrella.
Guys do not take their shoes off to run in the rain.
A guy would not compliment a friend of the same sex on their looks.

Are these true? Is there anything else that a guy would definitely not do?


Eric said...

The obvious....we don't run to the bathroom together.

Eric said...

or have pillow fights in our pajamas either ;>

Tim said...

Sorry dude, but you can put your own sun tan lotion on...

Sorry dude, but you can zip that up your self...

Sorry dude, I don't really know or care if those jeans make ya look fat...

What! go outside with no shoes on.... are you insane!

Pajamas... uh, ok... not since i was like 5

No... I don't need a hug. (well, unless she's cute...grin)

Denise said...

guys don't have "pity parties" during break ups, divorces or arguments

guys don't pass notes to each other, no matter what the circumstances

Kara said...

This reminds me of a funny comment Heather made recently. Our husbands and we were talking about the same thing, how guys won't do this and that, and we mentioned that guys always try to leave a seat open between them in a movie theater. She then asked, innocently, "Then how do they share the popcorn?!?" We cracked up! Love ya, sis!

CookieTea said...

I am such a guy.

Eric said...

and quit asking us to say "I love you"

We said it once when we married ya, if we change our mind we'll let ya know!!!

Eric said...

For the record...I wasn't speaking for myself just guys in general. My wife has me very well trained.

The three most important phrases in my vocabulary (outside of "I love you") are:

1. "Yes Maam"
2. "I'm sorry"
3. "You look beautiful today"

CookieTea said...

What was the Circle of One?

CookieTea said...

no. when was this?

Niki said...


CookieTea said...
