Welcome to HML Band Reunion Blog Site. We are band members from the late 70's to the mid 80's. If you would like to be added as a member just let us know!

Who knows what the future brings...

Sunday, June 18, 2006

You wore, what?!

Alright guys, let me apologize from the get-go for this. I'm going to ask a fashion question on Father's Day.
Yesterday, Niki and Herman were sharing some of their pictures from our band days. And you know what? You guys sure have changed the way you dress. Back then, you used to wear really tight pants and cut-off shirts. Al, there was a fantastic picture of you with some parachute pants on. Whoa. I don't know how you ever sat down in those. What do you remember wearing that you hope hasn't been recorded on a picture somewhere? You'd be surprised at what will make the slide show at the reunion.


CookieTea said...

what about john lennon glasses, pumps with socks, and the flashdance look?
but seriously, I think the guys were totally different. Those really tight pants and cropped polo shirts with the colors up!

Niki said...

Converse...muliticolor, and different colors @ the same time.

By the way, I have a pair of light blue high tops and I'm proud to say that my daughter has started her own collection!!

Cathy said...

I blow dry my hair, I just don't try to make it stand has high as it did back then. We looked like we had lion manes, with as high and puffy they were.
I agree with Debbie, alot of guys fit quit well in those jeans. You more or less knew what you were getting yourself into, not like today.

Niki said...

What about the guys wearing the short, tight shorts, with those Cuban-looking loafers w/o socks---what a look. I think you can still find that in certain parts of Calle Ocho.

muscle shirts. checker board stuff...my brother, that's all he wore for a while.

Niki said...

Girls, let's not forget the ruffles.....ruffles on our shirts, the bigger the better.

CookieTea said...

oh yeah. isn't that why some of us called him bubbles?

Niki said...

Yup! that's right.... lol

CookieTea said...

oh yeah! Well, gauchos are better than those weird pants we had to wear.

Eric said...

Yeah...me dressed as the "sweet transvestite" from Rocky Horror picture show.

Oh wait, that was recorded on film... Oh yeah, and my wife found it right after we married. Needless to say she was a bit confused.

(Tad hard to explain since she had never heard of Rocky Horror as well)

Niki said...

oooohhh.....dressing for Rocky Horror!!! Let's do the time warp again.............

CookieTea said...

hey peter,
Are there any pictures of that?!

Eric said...

Hey Peter!

How about the b-52's concert ;>

If I remember we were pretty spiffy for that one too. But I can't rememer, did we break out the pink or purple high-tops for that one?!?!?

Eric said...

Hard to be in Dallas/Ft. Worth and not be a Cowboys-Mavs-Stars fan. I beleive they kick you out of state (probably to Mississippi)(sorry Tim!)

But hey just goes to show what a little experience at having folks on your team that have been there before versus the new kicks on the block...Mavs choked...Heat didn't


Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember the "Members Only" jackets and the "Z Cavaricci" pants? I used to wear lots of leggings with the long shirts and big belts w/ the big hair, of course! Yikes, that was scary!

CookieTea said...

Your mom gave us an album that included pictures of you. All I can say is, nice.

Kara said...

Ted (my husband) still had (and wore!) his "Members Only" jacket until that movie came out with the line "'Members Only',huh? What, are you like the LAST member??" He took it to Goodwill that very day :)

Anonymous said...

I remember Peter in all his "punk gear" (and his Tom Cruise Top Gun hair cut) - Eric doing the whole "rocky horror thing" (which was over the top and almost scary)

Elliot in a hula skirt with a coordinating coconut bikini top.

Claudia & Audrey taking FOREVER to get ready to go somewhere.

Peter I'll have to search, but i believe I have a picture of you from that night (unless it got chucked after Hurricane Wilma)


Niki said...

Denise, you have got to get those to cookie!!!! of the whole gang if you have any.

Hi! by the way---glad to see you aboard the blog! :)

Denise said...

Hey Niki

I've searched hi and low - i think all of my "important" pictures are either at my folks house in lake placid or at my grandma's house in Tennessee. Eric Popeil forward me to the link for the band reunion. Me and him and a few others from the "really old days" still keep in touch. I'll keep looking though and if i find them I'll scan them and email them all around, but unfortunately won't be in time for the reunion.

Niki said...

that's ok...there might be another opportunity for those pics to be posted..... hee hee hee... :)

Niki said...

guess what Denise??? Eric had a group pic of the Rocky Horror crew!! that was awesome!

CookieTea said...

Is that what you wore?! I remember Joe Williams wearing something along those lines too.