Welcome to HML Band Reunion Blog Site. We are band members from the late 70's to the mid 80's. If you would like to be added as a member just let us know!

Who knows what the future brings...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

What was that all about?

Checkerboard shoes, neon sunglasses, guys with extremely tight jeans-just some of the fashions we wore in the 80's. What did you used to wear, that today you think is totally ridiculous?


Robin said...

Leg warmers!!!
but the checkerboard shoes are still cool!

Denise said...

Neon anything!!!
Parachute pants
Big Hair
Chunky bracelets
Plastic Shoes (jellys)
Bracelets - belts and chokers with studs on them.
BIG BIG BIG shoulder pads

Niki said...



Anonymous said...

Do you guys remember the elastic belts that must have been at least 8 inches thick with the huge buckles? OR how about the socks that were so big they bunched?


CookieTea said...

Huge shoulder pads.

Denise said...

the really realy big shirts with BIG shoulder pads with stirrup pants and heals

My niece (who's 13) saw some pics of all of us in the 80's and said

"did you really dress like that"


CookieTea said...

denise, that's the outfit! but, you forgot the socks with the ruffles.