Welcome to HML Band Reunion Blog Site. We are band members from the late 70's to the mid 80's. If you would like to be added as a member just let us know!

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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Tell Me A Story

This game is easy. Someone can put up a picture and we all tell a story about who is in it, what they are doing, or even where that person is. OK. Only one story for Andy. Thanks, Denise. Now for the next picture. What in the world is going on here?


Denise said...

ok, I'll bite - his name is Andy Scinski - This picture was taken as he was getting off the plane on our spring trip in 1980 we flew from Miami to Washington DC.

He is now living in Colorado with his wife and kids.

I tracked him down last year and we talk (email) every once in a while.

Kara said...

Ok, that's obviously Jorge Alfie and Mandy, and I THINK it's our trip to Gatlinburg in '84 or '85. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Those water gun fights totally rocked!

CookieTea said...

Finally, someone remembers the water gun fights!

Aren't those James Van Horn's "skivvies" on Alfie's head?

Niki said...

One of my favorite pictures!

I don't know about the "skivvies", who know what's going on here...it WAS the 80s (the Cuban/Rican Mafia, I guess) and it was on the bus, many things happened on the bus!

Denise said...

the last time I saw Alfie was when he was on Nightline or some show like that because he became a "Scientologist" (sp)and they were talking about what a cult it was.

Go figure

Niki said...


Kara said...

To echo Niki...WHAT?!?!

Denise said...

yep - it was "Dateline" or "Nightline" or one of those expose shows and supposedly he was BIG into the whole Tom Cruise/John Travolta Scientology mess and then when he got out (some kind of an intervention or something), he started telling people what was really going on. I was watching it and part of me was like "WHAT!!!" or the other part of me was laughing because he was such a follower back in the day and it would only figure he'd end up with them. Then I really started laughing when I remember that Claudia used to date him and I thought he was the biggest dweeb and told him that every chance I got.

Anonymous said...

Denise, WHAT???????????

Kara said...

Claudia dated Alfie?? Are you sure we're talking about the SAME Alfie? Graduated in '86. Claudia was dating and/or married to Peter by then.

CookieTea said...

I don't know THIS Alfie! Who is he? I'm soooo confused.

Denise said...

if i remember correctly they might have dated for a couple of weeks or so and it was before peter and claudia got married.

Niki said...

Denise...You have really confused us!!!

Niki said...

OK, I had to Google Aflie and all that came up on him were his engineering endeavors. Denise, are you SURE it was Alfred Lazaro on Nighline?

I am so curious, someome please contact Alfie and straighten this out!

CookieTea said...

I'll do it, Niki. I am dying to find out too! It does not sound like the Alfie we knew, does it?

Denise said...

maybe my eyes or memory is bad, but I don't remember his last name being Lazaro, I'll start looking things up over the weekend and see what the last name of the person was that I'm thinking about

Denise said...

ok - go to this link -anybody know who this guy is - he's in the middle - top row - next to Mrs Florio on the left hand side


Denise said...

oops - here's the link


Kara said...

Yeah, that isn't the Alfie that's in the water-gun picture. The Aflfie in the water gun pic graduated in '86 and was NEVER in Alliance (as far as I know! lol)

CookieTea said...

I also asked him last night. He said he never dated Claudia, and has never been on dateline. Phew. Thank God! I was getting a totally different perception of him.

Kara said...

OK, Denise, you have one hit on your "almost-started-a-rumor-about-somebody" meter. We'll be watching you closely from now on :)

JK :)

Robin said...

Ok Denise, if I'm right his name is Alfie, he drove a black Chevy Silverado (I think). He would have graduated 83 or earlier. He played trumpet. That is, if this is the Alfie I'm thinking of. Don't rememebr his last name though. He might have been @ HML during A.J.'s time (Stadelmeyer). Will try to get the last name.

Niki said...

And what a story it was...

(isn't that the name of this 'Post', "Tell Me a Story"?)

Denise said...

hey it got everyone talking didn't it?????