Welcome to HML Band Reunion Blog Site. We are band members from the late 70's to the mid 80's. If you would like to be added as a member just let us know!

Who knows what the future brings...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


On Saturday, at Sheba's, Danielle taught us a game the color guard used to play. It's called Deprivation. Let's play an online version. You tell us something you have never done before. If you have done whatever that statement says, you respond by saying something you have never done.
Example: Person 1-I have never jumped from an airplane.
Person 2-I have. I have never skinny dipped. (This will also be our first statement, so if you have skinny dipped, you are next.)


Robin said...

No one, okay
I have never gone on a cruise

Anonymous said...

I have.
I have done my child's homework/ project for them.

Tim said...

Is this like a drinking game or something? Like truth or dare, Bullshit or Pass out??

CookieTea said...

I don't know what happened here, but let's get it going again. :)

I have never been to California.

Kara said...

I have.
I have not(there are not a lot of things I haven't done) become a member of the "mile high club"

Denise said...

I have

I have never had a passport

Anonymous said...

I have.

I have never been out of the country.

Tim said...

I have... lol

I never "got busy" with a man.

Niki said...

Ha, Ha, Ha!

I do.
I've never totalled a car.

Anonymous said...

I have never hit a female. Well there was this one time when I kicked my dog BUT THAT BITCH HAD IT COMING. She bit me.

CookieTea said...

I have.

I have never had tequila.

Anonymous said...

I have

I've never had a bottle with the worm nor have I eaten it.