Welcome to HML Band Reunion Blog Site. We are band members from the late 70's to the mid 80's. If you would like to be added as a member just let us know!

Who knows what the future brings...

Monday, February 19, 2007


Today at Kara's special lunch, I had the opportunity to play with Debby's kids (great kids, by the way). They had the best time playing with their food. Tony chose to throw his on the floor, while Jake flew his like an airplane, and then stashed it away in his lap for later. It made me think of some of the strange things I've seen or heard people do with food. Well, tell us. What strange things have you done with food?


Niki said...

Do you want G-rated answers?

CookieTea said...

Whoever you are, you are already anonymous. You might as well give us the details! :)

CookieTea said...

I remember how Albert would eat his jello through a straw in the cafeteria.

Niki said...

OMG Cookie, me too!!! I've told my kids that story, sorry Al.

CookieTea said...

I knew YOU would remember. Wasn't that disgusting? But, I wouldn't have wanted to have lunch without it.

Tim said...

lol - cookie wanting to know the dirty details...

Use your imagination.

Grape jelly? I prefer strawberry myself, and possibly with some whip cream.

CookieTea said...


CookieTea said...

I am NOT anonymous. That's not my style. If I can't say it with my name attached, then I don't. Sorry to disappoint you, Jeff.

Tim said...

You sure about that Cookie?

CookieTea said...


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure it's not Cookie. She knows how to spell, type and use proper grammar.