Who would think that one of the best things to do on a Saturday night was drive or walk around in circles? But, that is exactly what we did, isn't it? The car I went in, was always full of girls. We drove around and around, hung out the windows, and shouted crazy things at people. Then, we parked the car and continued the mayhem on foot. What fun! The goal was to see and be seen. Of course, for you lucky ones, who didn't have a 12:00 curfew, you were able to go to Rocky Horror.
So, what other memories do you have of the Grove?
Actually... way back then...in the '80s it was freaky to see some one with a safety pin in their cheek or maybe a tattoo or two....especially on a female.
precursors to todays inked and pierced folks!!! all that is common place now.
so right, tim! I only wore safety pins in my ears though-too much of a chicken, I guess.
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