Welcome to HML Band Reunion Blog Site. We are band members from the late 70's to the mid 80's. If you would like to be added as a member just let us know!

Who knows what the future brings...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Who do you want to find????

Who from the past do you want to track down? While Jeff Kampert was down this weekend, we started talking and going thru my yearbooks and going "what ever happened to ????"

In the past month or so i've tracked down Andy Scinski and Jeff Sablom (who's now Jeff Johnston) who's living in Japan.

I'll start with who i'd like to track down and maybe someone has info that I don't - you post who you would like to find and let's see who we find.........


Andy Delgado - I have an address, will be sending him a note
Sandy Black
Paul "Pooh Bear" Taylor
Alfredo Martinez - I have an address, will be sending him a note
John Baker
Ellen Bird
Ron Orsini - I have an address, will be sending him a note


CookieTea said...

Devon, Robbie Wright, Brian Menn, Fred, Kem Walker, Katrell Angry, Wesley AKA Piggly Wiggly

CookieTea said...

We found George Mayor. Paula and I got an email from him last night, and I spoke with him on the phone this morning. This just teaches us, we can't give up.

Denise said...

I know that Andy Delgado is in the Coast Guard and living in Clearwater Florida - I'll keep searching

Kara said...

Cookie...I thought Devon was a banker? When I googled his name, it came up that a 38 year old Devon Woolcock was working at Carver Bancorp?

Kara said...

I learned that Ed Cook (if that's who you mean...he wasn't in band, tho), got married a couple of years ago to a girl named Stephanie who lives in the Lake Tahoe region (where he lives).

CookieTea said...

George Mayor is not who he says he is! We have to keep on looking.

Denise said...

There was an Eddie Cook that was in the band, think he played Tuba - he came from Miami Lakes jr...

speaking of Eddie's - what about Eddy Vasquez - he played triples

Tostito's - thanks for your help - I appreciate it

Eric said...

Paula/Jeff, Nichole Bolinger should be easy...I email with her older sister Janna fairly frequantly. WIll let ya know.

CookieTea said...

I also would like to find out who this fish person is once and for all.

Kara said...

I'd love to know where Lisa Flores and Rose Ortega are...Ivy Walterman, Diane Peirro (sp?) and Jill Jarrett, too.

Denise said...

last time I was Diane Pierro she was working at the Washington Mutual Bank on Flamingo & Stirling. I think her brother Mike has a body shop place somewhere in Hollywood

Mike Berrios - MB Entertainment - Entertainment Director said...

I found Fish!!!

Kara said...

Carlos...He moved to Antarctica and changed his name to "Alicia"...

just kidding :)

Eric said...

Found Susan Kelly...she had registered on Classmates.com this week (so no big sluething for me ;>)
