So i get an email today - It's 480 Crockpot recipes!!!!!!
a) I live alone
b) I'm a lousy cook
c) Cooking for 1 sucks
d) I'm not about to leave something turned on all day while I'm at work.
Tell me some of the useless things you've received either as a gift or a email
oh and by the way - she send me the email and said - I saw this and automatically thought of
and let me know if I should forward the "useless" email to you
Kara's Useless email file:
Penis Enhancements
that is hilarious, denise. I once got 3 padded hangers as a Christmas gift, and just like you, the person said they automatically thought of me when they saw them. You will never believe who they were from! My dad. :)
Hey Deb...No Jimmy Buffett here, but I do have an opportunity to buy Styx/Foreigner tix for $30 a pop if anyone wants to join me tomorrow night!
Oh Denise, I had a crockpot for years and never new what to do with other than those drunken sausages for parties. I got rid of it years ago!
Another appliance that has become useless and a space taker is the pasta machine! was great when we first got it (bought it ourselves-ha ha). It was fun, even cool at times, but after a while it just became too much work and really haven't used it in YEARS! -- I have a feeling that will be out the door soon too.
All you need is a hurricane to force 4 feet of salt water into your house.... that will get rid of about 85% of everything you own... gets rid of all kinds of stuff.
Tim, I'm a pack rat and have wished for major catostrophies to "help" me clean out my stuff.
Believe it or not!
this may be totally random, but what do you call those things that I call "meat maxi pads?"
also useless (for me anyway)is that after Hurricane Wilma I had to throw out quite a bit of stuff that was waterlogged and in the "water" closet i found 3 (yes 3) IRONS!!! Everyone knows I prefer wrinkled and baggy clothes, what would i be doing with 3 irons - so of course I threw them out
Moving day 2 months later - moving into my new place, what does my mom bring me - yep you guessed it - an iron
good grieg
Cookie, I call them that too. What else can they be?
Useless thing...the belt clip on my home-cordless phone.
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