If you check the archives, our band parents have been mentioned several times. They did so much for us, and helped us in so many ways. They helped us at night school with the snack bar, selling Christmas trees, at games and competitions, and they even walked through parades with us. Which band parent do you remember and why?
Also, we have quite a few of them attending on Sunday. Let us know if you know of a band parent we should invite.
Who knows what the future brings...

Friday, June 30, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006
If I knew then, what I know now...
Remember the movie Back to the Future? Marty McFly went back in time to change his family's future. What about you? If you had the Delorean, what year would you go back to? If you knew then, what you know now, what would you have done differently?
Monday, June 26, 2006
Lets See If Those That Want To Attend, Show!
People that plan on attending:
Jorge Balleste (paid)
Michael Berrios (paid)
Kris Braddon Lopez (paid)
Alfie Lazaro (paid)
Juan Canasi (paid)
Sonia Rodrigues DeLaMata (paid)
Adeline Ferro Delgado
Maria Jofre Delsalle (paid)
Marie Dorta
Cathy MacKenzie Gonzalez (paid)
Peter Gonzalez (paid)
Angannette Hernandez
Maria Salba Herran
Carlos Jofre (paid)
Maria Jofre (paid)
Diana Kampert
Kelly Ryan Kojail (paid)
Lydia Loyola Dopico (paid)
James MacKenzie
Kara Madden Allaire (paid)
Alina Ferro Martinez
Mary Melley
Danielle Beauvais Montes (paid)
Marlon Moore
Albert Parron (paid)
Jorge Perez (paid)
Jackie Bash Phagan
Eric Popiel (paid)
Alex Pujol (paid)
Lisa Rodriguez Shwartz (paid)
Cookie Rodriguez (paid)
Lisa Rodriguez (paid)
Niki Gonzalez Rodriguez (paid)
Herman Rodriguez (paid)
Lorraine Sanchez
Gina Darmanin Shireman (paid)
Lisa Garcia Titus
Karen Tyra
Armando Urena (paid)
James Van Horn
Larry Wade (paid)
Paula Snead Wheeler (paid)
Byron Williams
Debbie Williams (paid)
Joseph Williams
Stephanie Kevorkian-Wilson (paid)Stephanie Kevorkian Wilson (paid)
Devon Woolcock
If there are any names that I have not included, please comment so you will be added to the list.This list does not include those that will be there on Sunday.
Much love and hope to see you all soon!Those of you who don't show will be missed.
And there was this one time, at band camp...
Come on, now. You know when you heard that line in American Pie, you cracked up. And then, you instantly thought of some crazy stunt that was pulled in those long hours out on the field. Band camp was, for lack of a better word, different. What memory did it bring back for you? Was it, initiations, drill formations, or Mr. Walters running around the field pretending to be Benny Hill?
Friday, June 23, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
You're Invited!
Here it is. What everyone has been asking for, the invitation. Formal invitations have gone out in the mail. Because of time constraints, you may pay now only pay with a check.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
The Don Shula’s Hotel & Golf Club
6842 Main Street, Miami Lakes, FL 33014
7:00 -11:00 p.m.
2 drink tickets are included.
For Hotel Reservations call: 1-800-24-Shula
Request the Hialeah-Miami lakes
Band Reunion Rate:
$99.00 per night
Band Reunion Day: 2
Family Day
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Amelia Earhart Park
Shelter G
401 E. 65th St.
Hialeah, FL 33013
11:00 a.m.-Sunset
Reunion Cost per person: $75.00
An additional $5.00 per child is requested for participation in Family Day.
Children 3 and under do not pay.
Please indicate in an email how many children will attend Family Day.
R.S.V.P.: July 1, 2006
Saturday, July 15, 2006
The Don Shula’s Hotel & Golf Club
6842 Main Street, Miami Lakes, FL 33014
7:00 -11:00 p.m.
2 drink tickets are included.
For Hotel Reservations call: 1-800-24-Shula
Request the Hialeah-Miami lakes
Band Reunion Rate:
$99.00 per night
Band Reunion Day: 2
Family Day
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Amelia Earhart Park
Shelter G
401 E. 65th St.
Hialeah, FL 33013
11:00 a.m.-Sunset
Reunion Cost per person: $75.00
An additional $5.00 per child is requested for participation in Family Day.
Children 3 and under do not pay.
Please indicate in an email how many children will attend Family Day.
R.S.V.P.: July 1, 2006
Sunday, June 18, 2006
You wore, what?!
Alright guys, let me apologize from the get-go for this. I'm going to ask a fashion question on Father's Day.
Yesterday, Niki and Herman were sharing some of their pictures from our band days. And you know what? You guys sure have changed the way you dress. Back then, you used to wear really tight pants and cut-off shirts. Al, there was a fantastic picture of you with some parachute pants on. Whoa. I don't know how you ever sat down in those. What do you remember wearing that you hope hasn't been recorded on a picture somewhere? You'd be surprised at what will make the slide show at the reunion.
Yesterday, Niki and Herman were sharing some of their pictures from our band days. And you know what? You guys sure have changed the way you dress. Back then, you used to wear really tight pants and cut-off shirts. Al, there was a fantastic picture of you with some parachute pants on. Whoa. I don't know how you ever sat down in those. What do you remember wearing that you hope hasn't been recorded on a picture somewhere? You'd be surprised at what will make the slide show at the reunion.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
guess who we found now?
Well, after many attempts, we finally found Byron Williams. So far, it looks like he's going. Just one more to add to our growing list!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Just who are YOU?
What did you want to be when you grew up? Are you that now? Did you become something totally different from what you had in mind?
Places, places, places
It has been brought to my attention that a lot of us have lived in many places over the last 20 years. Have you moved far away only to return home again? Where have you been?
Sunday, June 11, 2006
It's nomination time.
Cathy would like to know if any of you have any ideas for awards for the reunion. Like, who is the funniest, has the most kids, who lives the farthest and so on. Please post any categories you would like to see awarded or email us your nominations.
You can't do that anymore!
As some of you have discovered, you can't go to the Forest anymore. It doesn't exist. It is now the Gratigny Expressway. But, did you know there are other things you can't do? For example, the HML band no longer plays at Milander. Milander is now called, "Ted Hendricks Stadium." Also, Byron can't drop his sax through the bleachers anymore. They put in new bleachers and that huge gap between the seats isn't there anymore. What else is there that has changed so much that we can no longer do?
Friday, June 09, 2006
What did you say?
People said some really strange things back then, didn't they? "Does anyone remember, "Hey little girl. Would you like some candy?" Or, how about, "Somebody lost their skivvies!" What do you remember people saying? Do you still remember why they said it?
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Band Trips
St. Pete, Georgia, Washington, Opa Locka? What do you think was our BEST band trip and why?
Who was your best teacher at HML? How about the worst? What turned out to be the most useful thing you learned while in high school?
Monday, June 05, 2006
Pictures, please
We are putting together a slide show. We need pictures. If you can, please scan them and email them to us. That's the easiest way.
Opinions Wanted
We were talking about lighting today, and were wondering if we should have bright or dim lights? How many of you would prefer it if we had dim lights? Seriously. How many of us are on diets right now because of this reunion?
Saturday, June 03, 2006
In loving Memory!
Barrett, thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. I, as I am sure with many others, were unaware that any of our extended family members had passed way!
In Loving and Fond Memories
Gerald Rolle
Gerald Rolle
Class of 83
Please if you have heard that any other member of our extended family has past, please let us know by posting there names here.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Where's Fred?
Does anyone remember Fred? I think he had four fingers on one hand. Has anyone seen him?
Does anyone remember Fred? I think he had four fingers on one hand. Has anyone seen him?
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