Welcome to HML Band Reunion Blog Site. We are band members from the late 70's to the mid 80's. If you would like to be added as a member just let us know!

Who knows what the future brings...

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Welcome everyone!

This blog was created to inform everyone on the latest "goings-on" with our band reunion. You may forward this address to anyone former hml band member. This will help us get the word out more efficiently and help us keep in touch with old, or not so old friends.
Happy blogging!


Cathy said...

Cookie, who are you calling old?

Tim said...

Yeah.... who you calling old?! 40 isn't old. I'm 40. My car is 40 also. My kids say I'm old, but they don't say my car is old. Go figure. They say it's cool. And BTW... If anyone else that was in band with us in the early 80's, is old or getting there! lol.

Cathy said...

Thanks for the back up VW-man.

Anonymous said...

I sent this info to Michael Long since he lives in Dallas near me. Eric Popeil sent me the invite. I won't be able to attend... but would love to. Anyone know anything about Dion (can't remember her last name)?
Sharon Tice-Mullen

Anonymous said...

Ha, so far I'm older than any of you! Eric Popiel sent me the link (good job, bud!) Anyways, won't be able to attend, BUT WOULD LOVE TO! BTW Sharon, to answer your question, Dion's last name was Bates.